Tag: activism

(338 posts)
May 22, 2013

Oregon Legalization Advocates Prepare for 2014 Initiative

With little chance of Oregon’s HB 3371 making it through the session, legalization advocates are preparing 2 legalization ballot initiatives. A poll will be conducted to determine...
May 21, 2013
Marijuana: The Musical – An Interview With Len Richmond

Marijuana: The Musical – An Interview With Len Richmond

Weedists: Meet Len Richmond “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Recently, I had the pleasure of learning...
May 20, 2013
Federal MMJ Court Support, Press Conference with Bob Filner

Federal MMJ Court Support, Press Conference with Bob Filner

Who:         Federal defendant Ronnie Chang and his atty Michael J. McCabe Esq. What:        Gag Order Hearing in Federal Medical Marijuana Case, then Press Conference...
May 16, 2013
LA Has 3 Medical Marijuana Regulation Measures Up for Vote

LA Has 3 Medical Marijuana Regulation Measures Up for Vote

We all know what a mess California’s medical marijuana regulations are, unless we are in denial about it. The city of Los Angeles now has 3 different...
May 15, 2013
Idaho Medical Marijuana Activists Kids Returned

Idaho Medical Marijuana Activists Kids Returned

Last Friday, medical marijuana activists Lindsey and Josh Rinehart’s two sons were returned to them after 17 days. The children were taken after police found marijuana ‘within...
May 13, 2013
Weedist Women: Lauren Vazquez

Weedist Women: Lauren Vazquez

Weedists: Meet Lauren Vazquez “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Lauren Vazquez is the Fired Up Lawyer,...
By: Anna Diaz
May 9, 2013
Activist Spotlight: Bunny Hethcox, Columbus, Wisconsin

Activist Spotlight: Bunny Hethcox, Columbus, Wisconsin

Americans for Safe Access Activist Spotlight – Spotlighting Medical Marijuana Activists Who are Making a Difference Bunny Hethcox is a 54-year-old mother of two and grandmother of...
May 3, 2013
San Diego Rally Against Federal Interference: May 6th

San Diego Rally Against Federal Interference: May 6th

Join patients, medical professionals, lawyers, advocates, and concerned citizens for a rally at the San Diego Federal Courthouse on Monday, May 6th at 12pm (Noon), against the...
May 1, 2013
Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Next Saturday, in over 200 cities worldwide, millions will come together to rally for an end to a failed drug war on cannabis and industrial hemp. Oregonians will...
By: Anna Diaz
May 1, 2013
Dispensary Press Conference: One on One Patients Association

Dispensary Press Conference: One on One Patients Association

Last week, the Narcotic Task Force headed by the DEA conducted a raid on ‘One on One Patients Association’, a legal medical marijuana dispensary in Downtown San Diego....
April 29, 2013
Global Cannabis March: May 4th

Global Cannabis March: May 4th

Cannabis prohibition has staggering global consequences. Without real research into the subject, we’re left to conjecture about the extent of such irrational prohibition. But the stories which...
By: Mercedys
April 29, 2013
New York Times OpDoc: A True Satire Of The War on Some Drugs

New York Times OpDoc: A True Satire Of The War on Some Drugs

While there is nothing genuinely funny about a seventy-five year prohibition on cannabis that has arrested over 25 million cannabis consumers, making fun of the failed policy...
April 16, 2013
Contact Your Member of Congress to Support the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act (HR 1523)

Contact Your Member of Congress to Support the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act (HR 1523)

As we’ve promoted many times before, the only real solution to marijuana prohibition is to reconcile with the Federal Controlled Substances Act. The Controlled Substances Act drives...
April 15, 2013
Federal Marijuana Legislation: Stalling Without Support

Federal Marijuana Legislation: Stalling Without Support

Federal Marijuana Legislation Despite growing deregulation of marijuana for both medical and recreational usage, without changes to the federal regulatory structure, individuals acting in accordance with state...
By: Mercedys
April 2, 2013
StoptheDrugWar.org Internships Available

StoptheDrugWar.org Internships Available

StoptheDrugWar.org works for an end to drug prohibition worldwide and an end to the “drug war” in its current form. We believe that much of the harm...
March 27, 2013
NORML Women’s Alliance Foundation: A Dream Comes True

NORML Women’s Alliance Foundation: A Dream Comes True

After three years, the NORML Women’s Alliance has created the NORML Women’s Alliance Foundation as a separate entity to promote education and outreach to women. In January...
By: Anna Diaz
March 15, 2013
St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

An officer sued the St. Louis Police Commission, claiming it violated his speech rights by threatening to discipline him for advocating reform of marijuana laws. Gary Wiegert...
March 13, 2013
Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Take Action to End Marijuana Prohibition!

Last month, Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced legislation, House Resolution 499, which would effectively end the federal prohibition on marijuana and allow states to set their own...
March 12, 2013
Hawaii Pro-Cannabis Advocates Form New Groups

Hawaii Pro-Cannabis Advocates Form New Groups

The recent push by the 50th state’s senate to decriminalize personal use amounts of pot spurred the opening of two new organizations by Hawaii pro-cannabis advocates to...
January 23, 2013
Weedist Women: Madeline Martinez

Weedist Women: Madeline Martinez

  Weedists: Meet Madeline Martinez “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” I met Madeline Martinez when I...
By: Anna Diaz