Tag: activism

(338 posts)
July 23, 2013
Medical Marijuana Push Gears Up in Kentucky

Medical Marijuana Push Gears Up in Kentucky

Kentucky state Senator Perry Clark (D-Louisville) is no quitter. Thwarted twice before in efforts to get a medical marijuana bill moving in Frankfort, Clark and supporters are...
July 23, 2013
Citizen Lobbying Works

Citizen Lobbying Works

Do you remember AB 2312, a bill Assemblymember Tom Amminao (D-SF) in the California legislature last year? AB 2312 would have created a badly-needed regulatory framework for...
July 17, 2013
MMJ Advocates in Jackson, MI to Protest Dispensary Ban

MMJ Advocates in Jackson, MI to Protest Dispensary Ban

Joe Cain, Owner of the Medical Marijuana Farmer’s Market, is organizing a protest for August 13, 2013. That is when the Jackson city council will revisit the...
July 15, 2013
Cannabis Plants Sprout Across German City in Protest

Cannabis Plants Sprout Across German City in Protest

The German city of Göttingen is turning green in protest of the prohibition of cannabis. A group calling themselves “A Few Autonomous Flower Children” set out in early...
July 9, 2013
Become a Leader of the Cannabis Legalization Movement

Become a Leader of the Cannabis Legalization Movement

Leadership is defined by dictionary.com as “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group,” “ability to lead [defined as “to conduct...
By: Mercedys
July 5, 2013
July San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

July San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

Join patients, advocates, scientists, and concerned citizens on Tuesday, July 9th from 7pm – 9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant, located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123, for the July San...
July 1, 2013
Sensible BC Prepares for Decriminalization on Canada Day

Sensible BC Prepares for Decriminalization on Canada Day

Sensible BC was out in full force earlier today, turning Canada Day into Cannabis Day. The group was recruiting volunteers and spreading the word for their upcoming signature...
June 26, 2013
Piers Morgan, Bill Maher: Patrick Kennedy Reefer Madness, Child’s Play to Dismiss With Hard Data

Piers Morgan, Bill Maher: Patrick Kennedy Reefer Madness, Child’s Play to Dismiss With Hard Data

Last night, Patrick Kennedy joined CNN’s Piers Morgan to discuss marijuana legalization on his recurring “Gone to Pot” segment. Before getting into Patrick’s “truths”, hats off to...
June 25, 2013
Fund Raiser for the Southern Oregon Four

Fund Raiser for the Southern Oregon Four

The most recent raids on medical cannabis safe access points in Southern Oregon on May 23, 2013 made the news across the country. I could go into...
By: Anna Diaz
June 18, 2013
2014 Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Gear Up in Three States

2014 Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Gear Up in Three States

The race to be the next state to legalize marijuana at the ballot box is on. Activists in three states — Alaska, Arizona, and Oregon — have...
June 17, 2013
Push for Legalization Underway in Alaska

Push for Legalization Underway in Alaska

Alaska’s Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell certified an application for a marijuana legalization initiative on Friday. The initiative would legalize the possession of up to an ounce. Supporters...
June 13, 2013
Arizona Legalization Effort Collecting Signatures for 2014

Arizona Legalization Effort Collecting Signatures for 2014

An initiative for marijuana legalization that would amend Arizona’s constitution, much like Colorado’s Amendment 64, was filed yesterday. In order to make it to the 2014 ballot,...
June 10, 2013
Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana Is the Gateway Drug

Marijuana is the gateway drug … the gateway to health. Despite all the reefer madness propaganda of the 80’s and 90’s, marijuana is not public enemy #1. It...
June 7, 2013
Compassionate Idaho Is Now a Chapter of ASA

Compassionate Idaho Is Now a Chapter of ASA

We have Exciting news to share!! Compassionate Idaho is now a chapter of Americans For Safe Access (ASA)! This is exciting for us for a number of...
June 6, 2013
Activists: Texas Getting Closer to Legalizing Marijuana

Activists: Texas Getting Closer to Legalizing Marijuana

Thanks to new FBI crime statistics showing incredible waste and racial inequality, activists in Texas are beefing up their attempts to gain support for legalizing marijuana. According...
June 6, 2013
Law Enforcement Targets Marijuana Activists in Philadelphia

Law Enforcement Targets Marijuana Activists in Philadelphia

On May 18th, The Panic Hour and PhillyNORML held “Smoke Down Prohibition V” in a free speech zone near the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA. As the name suggests, this was...
June 5, 2013
NORML Women’s Alliance Foundation Fund Raiser

NORML Women’s Alliance Foundation Fund Raiser

Sunday, June 23, 2013 marks the first Pacific Northwest kick off event for the newly formed National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) Women’s Alliance...
By: Anna Diaz
June 5, 2013
June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

Join patients, advocates, scientists, and concerned citizens Tuesday, June 11th from 7pm – 9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123 for the June San Diego...
June 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Silver Tour will convene a medical marijuana lobby day and training session in Washington D.C. to encourage Congress and the Obama Administration to allow...
May 23, 2013
LA Voters Approve Medical Marijuana Dispensary Regulation, Cap

LA Voters Approve Medical Marijuana Dispensary Regulation, Cap

Voters in Los Angeles Tuesday approved one of two active initiatives aimed at ensuring that medical marijuana dispensaries will be allowed in California’s largest city. The winning...