Tag: activism

(338 posts)
October 9, 2013
Legal Marijuana Trend Spreads as More States Weigh Votes

Legal Marijuana Trend Spreads as More States Weigh Votes

On Bloomberg, Alison Vekshin reports the spread of acceptance of legal marijuana, and the acceleration of that spread caused by the DOJ’s memo that they will not...
October 9, 2013
Bigger in Texas: Support for Marijuana Legalization

Bigger in Texas: Support for Marijuana Legalization

They say things are bigger in Texas and, according to new survey data just released by Public Policy Polling, that includes support for marijuana law reform. PPP’s...
October 9, 2013
USA v. Gutierrez: Oaksterdam University Protestor Beaten by Federal Officers Found Guilty of Assault

USA v. Gutierrez: Oaksterdam University Protestor Beaten by Federal Officers Found Guilty of Assault

“My children are going to grow up without a father! Over what?!” shouted Sarah Schrader, longtime girlfriend of Jose Gutierrez and the mother of his two young...
October 4, 2013
Why More Women Should Grow Marijuana

Why More Women Should Grow Marijuana

Lately there has been a lot of editorial coverage about women not being at home in the world of weed. While I am glad to see this...
October 4, 2013
Colorado’s Marijuana Tax Debate Heating Up

Colorado’s Marijuana Tax Debate Heating Up

With the vote on Proposition AA, Colorado’s proposed 25% marijuana tax, coming up next month the debate over the taxes are heating up. Activists against the tax...
October 2, 2013
Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Are advocates ready for the side effects of cannabis? Perhaps the most promising development caused by increased leniency toward cannabis’ Schedule I status is the incipient field...
September 26, 2013
Film Review: “The House I Live In”

Film Review: “The House I Live In”

“The House I Live In” is one of the most important documentaries made in the last 10 years. I urge each and every one of you to...
September 25, 2013
Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Medical Marijuana Patient Needs $5,000 to Protect His Daughter From CPS

Ten month old Lilly Fisher has been in CPS custody since April when her father requested their help rescuing her from an extremely unsafe situation while in...
By: Mercedys
September 24, 2013
Minimalist “Celebrity Weedists”

Minimalist “Celebrity Weedists”

In a nod to minimalism, pop culture and cannabis we present: Celebrity Weedists. It’s a homage to the famous pot smokers who’ve helped bring cannabis more into...
September 20, 2013
CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

CPS Removes Children Due to State-Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Use

A six month old baby girl and her six year old brother were taken from their homes by CPS in Michigan this week because the state sees...
By: Mercedys
September 20, 2013
Return To The Liberty Bell For Smoke Down Prohibition IX

Return To The Liberty Bell For Smoke Down Prohibition IX

The monthly protest of draconian federal cannabis laws continues in front of the Liberty Bell with the ninth Smoke Down Prohibition Rally on Saturday, September 21st. PhillyNORML,...
September 19, 2013
MPP’s Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users of 2013

MPP’s Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users of 2013

We’re excited to announce MPP’s second annual list of the Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users! There has been quite a bit of variation since last year,...
September 19, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

A California dispensary regulation bill dies, the dark ages return to San Diego, Massachusetts towns enact moratoria, New Jersey gives a loan to a dispensary, and more....
September 17, 2013
Where Are the Cannabis Movement’s Young Women?

Where Are the Cannabis Movement’s Young Women?

Women voters tend to vote unfavorably on cannabis initiatives. This may change. Earlier this year, Brookings Institute published a study concerning voting numbers for various cannabis issues....
September 17, 2013
Kansas Rejects Marijuana Group’s Bid to Adopt a Highway

Kansas Rejects Marijuana Group’s Bid to Adopt a Highway

The Kansas marijuana advocacy group Fire It Up Kansas has been denied a section of highway to keep clean. The Kansas Department of Transportation says that they...
September 17, 2013
Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl

Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl

If the cannabis community will unite, NORML could win a free commercial during the Super Bowl. That’s right, if each of us cannabis supporters will take just...
By: Mercedys
September 11, 2013
Fund Raiser for the Rinehart Family, Medical Cannabis and CPS

Fund Raiser for the Rinehart Family, Medical Cannabis and CPS

Two powerhouse cannabis community collaborators, The World Famous Cannabis Café and SKUNK Magazine have joined forces again to raise money to help another family in need and...
By: Anna Diaz
September 11, 2013
Free Joints Handed Out At Denver Protest Of Tax Proposal

Free Joints Handed Out At Denver Protest Of Tax Proposal

Protesters gathered in Denver’s Civic Center Park Monday to slam Proposition AA, the statewide recreational marijuana tax proposal that will be decided by Colorado voters in November....
September 10, 2013
Medical Marijuana Advocacy Meeting – San Diego ASA

Medical Marijuana Advocacy Meeting – San Diego ASA

Here are just a few questions that our chapter continues to receive from patients throughout the county on a weekly basis: How many plants can I legally...
September 5, 2013
Activist Targeted And Beaten By DEA Agents Faces Charges

Activist Targeted And Beaten By DEA Agents Faces Charges

In a great article on Ladybud, Angela Bacca recalls the events of the recent raids in Oakland, when DEA agents moved to shut down Oaksterdam. Jose Gutierrez, a...