With the recent opinion on I-502 moratoriums released by WA State AG, it seems that local governments can effectively ignore the state laws and ban even state-backed...
While it is absolutely amazing that Colorado (already has) and Washington (sometime this year) are opening up recreational marijuana retail shops, I am concerned with how the...
Ladybud profiles The Undergreen Railroad, a new organization forming in response to a need that is becoming more and more common: help in relocating cannabis consumers to a...
A couple of weeks ago, just in time for recreational sales to begin in Colorado, the Denver Post launched its cannabis coverage blog The Cannabist, a sleek,...
Weedists: Meet Megan Schwarting “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Megan Schwarting and her husband, Ben, started...
NORML and NORML Foundation are supported by cannabis consumers and other caring citizens. Please see our annual report and help us to keep going strong into 2014 by making...
Parents4Pot (P4P) is a newly formed group that went from zero to over five thousand “Likes” in just a couple of weeks on Facebook. With twenty-one legal medical...
As the holiday season ramps up, the cannabis community has stepped up to help those less fortunate, too. We have certainly mainstreamed as can be evidenced by...
Add this video to the long line of evidence that marijuana does have medical value and really does help people in need. I’ll let Jacqueline Patterson, the...
Many people have heard a variation of “marijuana can help cancer”, even if they’re not medical marijuana patients or even recreational users. Research scientists have been studying...
The name of HR 1523 basically explains it all: Respect State Marijuana Laws Act. In summary, it would amend the Controlled Substance Act to not include anyone...
Activists with Show-Me Cannabis Reform have been crisscrossing Missouri to lay the groundwork for marijuana legalization, and now, they’ve taken the next step. Columbia-based attorney Dan Viets, the group’s...
The marijuana legalization movement needs to bank on the fact that Americans are currently pessimistic about the government and society in general, at least according to...
On December 6th hundreds of connoisseurs will celebrate the one year anniversary of legalization in Washington state by consuming cannabis legally at the Seattle Center. When first...
A new petition is gaining steam to legalize cannabis in Germany. The petition asks the German government to legalize cannabis for adults over 18 and allow for...