Tag: aclu

(29 posts)
May 29, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.05.28)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.05.28)

We could see a congressional vote on barring the feds from interfering in medical marijuana states this week, California stays contentious, the New York Assembly passes a...
March 21, 2014
Washington’s New Marijuana Law May Be Freeing Up Police Resources

Washington’s New Marijuana Law May Be Freeing Up Police Resources

A steep drop in the number of misdemeanor marijuana possession charges filed against adults over 21 in Washington state after legalization shows the new law is freeing...
March 20, 2014
How Racist Is Your State’s War on Weed? Compare!

How Racist Is Your State’s War on Weed? Compare!

A new interactive website from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) highlights how many lives are derailed and billions of dollars wasted fighting a racially-biased war on...
February 10, 2014
Michigan High Court Rules for Medical Marijuana

Michigan High Court Rules for Medical Marijuana

In a bellwether case, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that cities and counties cannot pass ordinances that conflict with the state’s five-year-old Medical Marihuana Act. The...
February 7, 2014
Michigan High Court Rules for Medical Marijuana

Michigan High Court Rules for Medical Marijuana

In a bellwether case, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that cities and counties cannot pass ordinances that violate the state’s five-year-old Medical Marihuana Act. The ruling...
December 5, 2013
ACLU: DC, New York Highest Likelihood of Arrest for Pot

ACLU: DC, New York Highest Likelihood of Arrest for Pot

According to the ACLU of Maryland, Washington DC and New York State have the highest likelihood of arrest for pot.
November 11, 2013
Marijuana Arrest Rate in Maryland Among Highest in US

Marijuana Arrest Rate in Maryland Among Highest in US

The ACLU of Maryland reports that the marijuana arrest rate in the state is among the nation’s highest.
October 10, 2013
Battle Over Local Bans on MMJ Set Today for MI Supreme Court

Battle Over Local Bans on MMJ Set Today for MI Supreme Court

The Michigan Supreme Court will hear arguments against medical marijuana bans today. The suit was filed in 2010. In 2011, Judge Dennis Leiber ruled that federal law...
October 4, 2013
Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

A new poll jointly commissioned by MPP and the ACLU of Maryland shows that a majority of Marylanders support legalizing marijuana for adults and regulating it similarly...
September 16, 2013
Forced Drug Tests for College Students a No-No, Judge Rules

Forced Drug Tests for College Students a No-No, Judge Rules

A US district court judge in Missouri ruled Friday that a technical college violated the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches and seizures when it ordered all students...
September 13, 2013
Campaign To Legalize Cannabis In Portland, ME Underway

Campaign To Legalize Cannabis In Portland, ME Underway

A campaign to legalize cannabis for recreational use in Portland, supported by MPP and the ACLU of Maine, officially began yesterday. The city ordinance would allow the possession...
September 6, 2013
Support for Marijuana Legalization Blooming in the South

Support for Marijuana Legalization Blooming in the South

It is often said that the South will be the last region in the United States to take up marijuana legalization, but, as support grows nationwide, it...
August 19, 2013
ACLU Sues Over Chicago Public Housing Drug Tests

ACLU Sues Over Chicago Public Housing Drug Tests

The ACLU of Illinois Thursday filed a class-action lawsuit against the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) over its policy requiring drug testing of residents in mixed-income developments. The ACLU charges...
June 17, 2013
ACLU: The War on Marijuana Has a Latino Data Problem

ACLU: The War on Marijuana Has a Latino Data Problem

In an article on Huffington Post, Lynda Garcia of the ACLU explains that the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports do not track ethnicity (only skin color?). This means...
June 7, 2013
ACLU: End the Numbers Game

ACLU: End the Numbers Game

The ACLU is asking us to tell Attorney General Eric Holder: Don’t reward police for making racially biased, wasteful marijuana arrests. Stop including marijuana possession arrests as a...
June 5, 2013
Minorities Disproportionately Arrested in US for Marijuana

Minorities Disproportionately Arrested in US for Marijuana

The American Civil Liberties Union released a new report affirming NORML’s historic data that minorities are disproportionately arrested (and most certainly prosecuted and, worse, incarcerated) at a rate four times higher than whites for cannabis...
May 14, 2013
Public Health Experts Make I-502 Suggestions to WA Liquor Control Board

Public Health Experts Make I-502 Suggestions to WA Liquor Control Board

A group composed of substance abuse, law and public health experts have sent a 16-page letter to Washington’s Liquor Control Board, making recommendations for the implementation of I-502....
March 11, 2013
Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

I am presenting at a symposium sponsored by the Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal, “The War on Drugs: Working Toward a Ceasefire,” this Wednesday 3/13...
March 11, 2013
ACLU to Examine SWAT, Police Militarization

ACLU to Examine SWAT, Police Militarization

The American Civil Liberties Union announced this week that it was seeking data from police departments across the country in an effort to determine the extent to which law...
November 9, 2012
I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

04:36pm The Washington State Liquor Control Board and the ACLU of Washington have both issued facts sheets on the implementation of I-502. The state’s Office of Financial Management projects prices...