Read at the Huffington Post about the “made in the USA” hemp scarf Obama has for sale in his re-election campaign store. Rather ironic since American farmers...
Americans For Safe Access has launched Camp Wakeupobama in an effort to mobilize medical cannabis supporters into a formidable voting bloc to be courted in the 2012 POTUS election....
Well, just when I was sure that people were awakening from their prejudiced and fearful assumptions about marijuana, I decided to check and see what Mitt Romney...
The Washington Times believes Gary Johnson’s “penchant for snappy redirects and crowd-winning zingers would be the kind of fan service that scratches the itch for spontaneous, unscripted...
Steph Sherer, Executive Director at Americans for Safe Access writes a candid piece on the level of hope and excitement she had for Obama in 2008 only...
After weeks of angry protests on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter to get Libertarian party nominee Gary Johnson in the presidential debates, Janet Brown from the Commission on...
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson officially endorsed Measure 80 – The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (aka OCTA) last Friday. Gary Johnson has also endorsed marijuana legalization measures in Colorado...
You probably notice a recurring Gary Johnson theme at Weedist… We strongly support candidates who will end the war on marijuana. Personally I like the vast majority...
Last Friday’s SF Weekly article “Cash-Only Pot: Credit Cards No Longer Accepted at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries” was a stark reminder that prohibitionists won’t go down without a...
According to The Latest Word, there are two latest words. The first Word said that the healthcare ruling helped the advocates of ending prohibition in CO. The...
America needs to have more voices heard in the upcoming months to the Election. Both Candidates for the major parties have the exact same policy on modern-day...
Economics 101 rightfully drills into business students’ heads that competition is a good thing. Corporate competition to the consumer should ultimately lead to better products at lower prices....
Best known for being politically astute (ok, maybe best known for being stoned), Tommy Chong has weighed in on the 2012 Presidential Election. Chong believes “100%” that...
The American Prospect’s May 29th 2012 article on why politicians support the status quo on the War On Drugs has thrown down the gauntlet. The essence of...