This past Thursday, on the night of the Vice Presidential debates, NORMLtv caught up with Libertarian Party presidential candidate, Governor Gary Johnson, and asked him questions regarding...
2012 Election is the Most Important in Marijuana Law Reform History This year could likely be the most significant in marijuana law reform history. In case you...
Legalization would save huge amounts of law enforcement resources as well as protect vast numbers of people from losing their livelihoods. This Weedist series is dedicated to...
Libertarian POTUS candidate Gary Johnson writes on how the ‘war on drugs’, like 1920s Prohibition, has been a miserable failure and how America would be better-off with...
Women for Measure 80 will join Moms for Marijuana on Monday, October 15, 2012 to support their joint venture with Overgrow the Government for the first Cannabis...
In case you missed the first Presidential Debate of 2012, it appears that both the incumbent President and presidential hopeful were in agreement about marijuana reform based...
03:24am Mitt Romney (mis)speaks out on medical marijuana, the LA dispensary ban is repealed, and the feds keep on grinding away at medical marijuana providers with...
The Brownie Mary Club Democratic Club of California is hosting an online petition to be presented to the chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission, to include at...
Roseanne Barr was invited to Oaksterdam University last week to speak about her push for complete legalization of marijuana. Fifty-nine year-old Barr, who currently runs a nut farm in Hawaii, talked...
Libertarian Party POTUS nominee Gary Johnson endorsed the current effort to put a constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2014. Will it...
The ‘No On 64: Wrong for Colorado’ campaign is using the same old Reefer Madness misinformation. This Weedist series is dedicated to stopping the misinformation [~3 meg...
The “Vote No on 64” crowd, or so-called “Smart Colorado“, has released what they call a “fact sheet” claiming to bust the “myths” behind marijuana, in an...
Last Friday, I got to attend the Portland City Club’s debate on Measure 80. Chief Petitioner and author of the measure, Paul Stanford argued in favor and...
On Thursday, as scheduled, protests took place all over the nation. Medical marijuana patients and advocates demanded that President Obama keep his promises to respect state law...
The Romney campaign has finally stooped low enough to try to trick the medical marijuana community into voting Romney into office. In an article titled “Dear Marijuana Reformers:...
Americans for Safe Access, the leading organization of medical marijuana patients, has organized a nationwide protest for today (Thursday, September 20). It’s happening all across the United...
11:27pm As the 2012 election campaign enters its final weeks, all eyes are turning to the top of the ticket. While, according to the latest polls and electoral college...
05:48pm No DEA raids or federal threat letters to report this week, but the battles over medical marijuana continue on many fronts. Let’s get to it:...
04:53pm Every former head of the DEA since it was created by Richard Nixon in 1973 has signed onto a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him...