Tag: 1st amendment

(5 posts)
July 3, 2014
Iowa State Students Suing Over Marijuana T-shirts

Iowa State Students Suing Over Marijuana T-shirts

Two Iowa State University students, juniors Paul Gerlich and Erin Furleigh, are suing school officials after the university’s trademark licensing office forbade the campus’ chapter of NORML...
October 21, 2013
Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition Takes Tough Hits

My friend and transplant from Alabama, Urb Thrasher has been keeping up with cannabis politics in his home state, and it’s pretty grim. If not for Urb,...
By: Anna Diaz
June 18, 2013
Judge Torches Colorado’s Marijuana Magazine Rule

Judge Torches Colorado’s Marijuana Magazine Rule

A federal judge in Colorado struck down a law that would require magazines about marijuana to be sold behind counters like pornographic magazines, following findings by state...
November 14, 2012
How The Federal Government Lies About Everything

How The Federal Government Lies About Everything

It started almost 50 years ago, when even I was a kid. The assassination of JFK shook people’s faith in stability, but it took the Warren Commission report to shake their...
August 1, 2012
Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

Help Needed: Feds Seek to Silence Silver Tour’s Robert Platshorn

NORML is spearheading a mail campaign to the U.S. Parole Commission who has prohibited Robert Platshorn from both criticizing the now unpopular government prohibition policies and from educating willing...