Marijuana News
December 20, 2012

A Philip Morris USA (Marlboro) spokesman was vague when asked if the nation’s largest tobacco company will produce or market cannabis. A spokesperson from the 2nd largest firm, Reynolds American (Camel, Pall Mall) said they have no intention to enter the cannabis market.
Cigarette companies should be prevented from using cannabis in their products. It is their way of taking a healthy beneficial item and add tobacco to it to make it poisonous and addictive. They’ll draw you in with the cannabis and trap you with the nicotine and kill you with the carcinogens.
You know, I read this and I didn't even consider the cannabis/tobacco combo, I was thinking pure cannabis. I guess I have a mental block from the first time I had a spliff in Amsterdam and it was mixed with tobacco… YUCK! (those crazy Europeans, haha)
Yeah… sorry my European cousins, but European joints are just nasty. Why ruin the clean and pure taste of high quality cannabis with tobacco!
its best to keep weed a secret like a long time ago krank was a drug that had smell and so they made the same thing but no smell wich is dope weed should stay eligal this wourld is going to hell so lets take it there peacefully