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San Francisco Considers Allowing More Dispensaries - Weedist
Law & Politics

In response to a new proposal to clamp down even more on locations for medical marijuana dispensaries, San Francisco medical marijuana advocates are asking the city to allow more dispensaries. The new proposal would further limit dispensaries by requiring them to be at least 500 ft apart within the already limited “green districts” where they are permitted to operate.

2 responses to “San Francisco Considers Allowing More Dispensaries”

  1. I'm very disappointed in my elected officials. This bill failed a number of times because of the fact that it is not a fair or reliable way to determine impairment. Unfortunately, so many people are actually scared of stoned drivers that they just wouldn't let the issue die. Those of us that enjoy cannabis understand that if a person is actually stoned enough to be a road hazard (which is rare, most stoned drivers simply drive a little more carefully than they normally would), they're probably too stoned to want to leave the house.

    • Sadly, this is the typical process for hesitant elected officials. What will probably happen next is that there will be a handful of folks that get charged and then sue that state for inconsistent/unsupportable policies. All of those elected officials should watch this video: /2013/02/cnn-video-stoned-d

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