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Medical Marijuana: The Myths and Realities - Weedist
Medical Marijuana

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been used for more than 3,000 years for the treatment and management of pain, digestive issues and psychological disorders. Despite the fact that marijuana is thought to be useful for treating several medical conditions and symptoms, there is great debate about its safety and efficacy.

3 responses to “Medical Marijuana: The Myths and Realities”

  1. whyiowa4medical says:

    Safety was proven in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. In the 1980’s I performed research to disprove common myths at that time. The world renowned doctor and professor I worked with was the one who got the short straw when his team could not find any feasible LD 50 for cannabis. The research I was involved with discovered the same evidence the government did not report, the control groups did as badly and often had worse symptoms than the active drug group. When one of the nurses on the team stated she would lose weight and get saggy breasts if she had to live with a needle catheter inserted. That was when it struck us that we were forever inserting new catheters, replacing chewed tubing, and had to isolate them most of the time. Smoke to the point of three oz./rat body weight per day would cause them O2 deprivation, so that night we had a bowl and went to the library. I did not have my High Times collection at school, but I remembered an article called confessions of a hash eater. That was when we struck gold as there was no end to the info on eating cannabis and creating preparations for oral dosage. This well calculated oral dosage worked wonderfully throughout three generations, and the 12 rats that were studied for ongoing effects were wonderful pets and no damage was found in the multitude of dissected rats.
    This brings me to current studies that I will soon be able to publish. When I was 13 in the 1970s I came upon cannabis almost every other weekend and I hated it (this was at my cousin’s pseudo frat house at the West entrance gates to ISU), I hated the effect, the taste, and the smell. Later in life, in 2001 to be exact, I discovered I had Cystic Fibrosis that was of an adolescent onset nature. The doctor, out of Bethesda Naval Hospital (where they treat the presidents) told me that symptoms would have been striking in all commonality at 15 years of age. However, I could not remember any form of lung or GI symptoms until I was 24; except for at or near my 15th birthday I walked into the “smoking room” and from that point on, I was a marijuana user. At times when I quit smoking cannabis for more than three months I had serious medical conditions. At one time I was thought to have appendicitis, the removed organ was healthy. The next time the NSAIDs I was taking caused a severe GI bleed that my GI specialist today can still see the scarring from as well as little pin-prick bleeds that still exist. Next, I was struck by a pancreatitis so severe that I was tortured in the hospital for three months as they believed alcoholism was the singular cause for my condition. I quit that time for a general managers position. When I entered college to take a position that could take me back to my former income, not abject poverty, I was assigned a thesis on Medical Marijuana. That is when the pieces fell together and (looking very honestly at my history) I discovered the preventative effects of cannabis in my disease are obvious. I have discovered many others who share exactly my experience and when I can prove this in the lab you will see my work published. This will greatly expand medical use.
    Finally, were you aware that THC and cannabis are no longer used in cannabis studies? They use a plethora of research drugs that include Spice and K-2 and compounds that are 45 times stronger than 100% THC! If we want the health effects of cannabis, DEMAND that the researcher use cannabis. Do you know why LSD and Psilocybin cannot be used under strict controls in the medical community? Lethal research drugs used in place of what they purportedly study!!!

  2. HannahFuchs says:

    My story has to do with the healing power of Rick Simpson cannabis
    oil.”My sister Khloe, age 45, was diagnosed with Bone Cancer on the
    inside of her backbone 2 years ago, which had metastasized from breast
    cancer she didn’t know she had. I prayed for a total healing with NO
    operation, no chemo and no radiation. not everyone has had the
    experience of knowing Rick Simpson as their Healer… but they can! Rick
    Simpson, father of all natural hemp.
    May the grace of God be upon you
    Rick for his good work and courage; and with his Hemp we are healed”.
    Early this year i traveled to U.S. to visit a good friend of mine when i
    heard that rick was around so i traveled to him and meet him one on one
    to purchase the healing oil from him,.. now am so happy and filled with
    joy that my sister is no longer a cancer patient and she’s completely
    healed with his miracle healing oil. The doctor himself confirmed to us
    on Tuesday last week that my sister Khloe is fully OK. No sign of cancer
    in her bone or breast again….Wow…Am so happy that my family and I have
    been thanking Rick for his good work of saving this world with his
    cannabis oil. Please people i don’t know how to thank him enough so am
    dropping his contact Email;(ricksimpsoncannabisoil23@gmail.com) i am
    begging if you can spear 5 minutes of your time and please help me to
    thank him, he is truly a hero of this world and i pray for God’s
    strength and wisdom upon him.

  3. yes boss says:

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