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I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement's Gender Divide
Law & Politics

The backers of Washington state’s I-502 are targeting their ads towards women, who have historically trailed men on supporting legalization. Seattle Weekly dives into potential answers for this gender divide.

2 responses to “I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement’s Gender Divide”

  1. Political parties aside, if we could educate more women and elderly [don't support legalization as much as other demographics] on the benefits of cannabis, relative dangers vs. other legal drugs, and the injustice of selective prohibition on this plant that's been used by humankind for at least 6,000 years… legalization measures would be passing left and right.

  2. SteveSarich says:

    You couldn't be more correct. Our biggest problem has been our failure to reach out and educate. This is the same reason the we don't have activists from Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, etc., who are not involved with the "industry". This is the year we'll change that in Washington.

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