Law & Politics
October 16, 2012

Yesterday, former DEA and Office of National Drug Control Policy czars voiced a strong reminder to the DOJ that even if voters in Colorado, Oregon and Washington pass ballot measures to legalize marijuana, it still violates federal law and could trigger a “Constitutional showdown.”
Oh no, you mean cannabis may get its fair day on the federal stage and/or court if the movement keeps this up! Terrifying!
'Clearly', the current status quo of no fair representation at the federal level is much 'better… Bring on a Constitutional showdown!
Have a laugh at his reasoning:
"And there is a bigger danger that touches every one of us — legalizing marijuana threatens public health and safety. In states that have legalized medical marijuana, drug driving arrests, accidents, and drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed. Drug treatment admissions are up and the number of teens using this gateway drug is up dramatically."
…and California is having a budget crisis, Jersey Shore is being canceled, and the Yankees lost 3 games in a row!