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Decriminalization Now in Effect in St. Louis, Missouri - Weedist
Law & Politics

As of Saturday, those caught in St. Louis, Missouri with small amounts of marijuana will be given a court summons instead of a jail cell. This decriminalization bill was sponsored by anti-cannabis Alderman Shane Cohn, it seems these days even those who are anti-pot can see that harsh penalties for marijuana are a burden on society as a whole.

2 responses to “Decriminalization Now in Effect in St. Louis, Missouri”

  1. Denver Green Beaker says:

    I know a friend of mine is enjoying some relief from paranoia nowadays (what's up, Rick). It's still quite a ways from real legalization, but there's so much small-scale progress like this that it's easy to imagine real, national legalization within the decade. How about a bowl for good times!?!

    • Lakota Weedist says:

      Progressive thinking in St. Louis and recently Chicago & greater Illinois. Hopefully this is the toe-hold in the midwest that we need to remove the cannabis taboo?

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