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Aaron Sandusky Found Guilty: Judge "California State Law Does Not Exist Here"
Law & Politics

Aaron Sandusky was found guilty on two charges Friday: conspiracy to manufacture marijuana plants and of intent to distribute 1,000 marijuana plants. The judge prohibited California’s medical marijuana laws to factor in the case, or even be mentioned. Push Congress to pass the Truth In Trials Act!

3 responses to “Aaron Sandusky Found Guilty: Judge, “California State Law Does Not Exist Here””

  1. Very sad indeed. We need do need to pass the Truth in Trials Act and get the Feds to consider State laws. https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/hr6134 We also need to follow the ASA case that starts tomorrow with the DEA: /2012/10/medical-marijuana-

  2. Pissed_in_Cali says:

    I never heard of this Truth In Trials Act before. Why isn't it getting more coverage so maybe Congress will work for the people for once?

  3. Old Hippie says:

    It's sick. When you take an oath to testify in court, you're supposed to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". How can you tell the whole truth if the judge is effectively gagging you? How can we have justice if all the facts of a case are not brought forward?

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