Some Nebraska law enforcement officers are increasingly frustrated that their agencies have to bear the cost of jailing and prosecuting people for drug violations tied to Colorado’s legalized...
Attorney General Eric Holder announced Monday that the Justice Department will soon release new, more expansive criteria for recommending federal prisoner clemency applications for President Obama to...
The enactment of state laws legalizing the physician-recommended use of cannabis therapy is not associated with increased levels of marijuana use by young people, according to data published online...
African Americans are arrested for marijuana possession offenses in Minnesota at a rate that is more than six-times higher than that of Caucasians, according to an analysis of 2011...
Authorities can’t prosecute Arizona motorists for driving under the influence of marijuana, unless the person is impaired at the time of the stop, the state Supreme Court...
Posted by @coylecondenser and @slingoner1 Any Clockwork Orange fans out there? More Instafire from B$’s #areyoufuckingkiddingme file; this rig is just bonkers. A Clockwork Argyle: a Munny collab...
A new National Pain Foundation survey suggests medical marijuana may top currently available pharmaceuticals for treating fibromyalgia. 62% of the patients surveyed found medical marijuana to be “very...
A coalition of 122 German law professors, led by Lorenz Böllinger, professor of criminal law at Bremen University, are strongly pushing for the national legalization of cannabis...
The Washington State Marijuana Retail Licenses Lottery begins today with a total of 334 retail licenses to be awarded. Washington State University’s Social and Economic Sciences Research Center will...
A state historically as conservative as Alabama just legalized a marijuana derivative for medical research. The law authorizes the University of Alabama at Birmingham to begin researching CBD. The...
Family members from a rural area of eastern Washington are expected to go to trial next month on federal marijuana charges, despite the Obama Administration’s repeated claims...
Bills setting restrictions on marijuana edibles in Colorado have cleared the state House unanimously. The bills approved Monday would set possession limits for concentrated forms of marijuana such...
Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
Colorado appears to be giving up on its effort to crackdown on medical marijuana growers using a legal loophole to grow high numbers of pot plants without...
Medical marijuana dispensaries in California would have to get state Public Health Department licenses, and doctors who recommend pot would face new standards for examining patients under...
Since marijuana began to be sold in legal retail stores in Colorado this year, one of the biggest demands has been for marijuana-infused edibles, which are much...
The Legislative Council of the NCAA approved a measure that would reduce the penalty for a positive marijuana drug test. Currently, college athletes face a full year...
The mainstream media launched into a reefer mad frenzy this week after researchers from Harvard University in Boston and Northwestern University in Chicago published the results of...