We found this video today by Reason.com, here’s what they have to say about the DEA museum in Arlington, VA: Since 1999, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has...
Today’s City Council vote disregards public health needs of thousands of patients, makes city legally vulnerable. Los Angeles, CA — After more than four years of attempting to craft...
04:32pm Lebanese security forces began eradicating cannabis fields in the Bekaa Valley Monday, but locals fought back with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, wounding one policeman...
Federal judges reinforced marijuana’s Schedule I status under the Controlled Substances Act by dismissing lawsuits advocating for dispensaries in all four California court districts. Medical marijuana supporters sought to stop...
CAMP (The Campaign Against Marijuana Planting), California’s 28-year-old marijuana eradication program that has destroyed millions of pot plants in public and private wilderness areas is no more. It is...
06:52pm This has been a good week for I-502, the Washington state initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana, and its sponsors, New Approach Washington. Over...
Start a thread on bong water temperature on any major cannabis forum and you’re likely to flare up a bong war. I’ve personally experimented with different water...
02:33am Several hundred — perhaps as many as a thousand — medical marijuana patients, providers, and supporters took to the streets of Oakland Monday afternoon to...
Governing.com ponders what kind of federal response and ultimate showdown we may see after the November elections if at least one of the three states (Colorado, Oregon...
Two prominent Canadian doctors, Dr. Evan Wood and Dr. Julio Montaner, in British Columbia have joined an international campaign including Sir Richard Branson calling on world leaders to...
There has been a mysterious NYC weed van spotted at 14th Street and 7th Avenue selling pot “it’s just flavor” lollipops. Read more at Gothamist to find...
Well, just when I was sure that people were awakening from their prejudiced and fearful assumptions about marijuana, I decided to check and see what Mitt Romney...
The Washington Times believes Gary Johnson’s “penchant for snappy redirects and crowd-winning zingers would be the kind of fan service that scratches the itch for spontaneous, unscripted...
The Los Angeles City Council is set to vote today on a proposed measure that would make LA’s medical marijuana dispensaries illegal. Read more at Village Voice...
Patient advocates in Arizona sought to expand the qualifying conditions for the use of medical marijuana. Their goal was to include PTSD, depression, migraines, and anxiety. However,...
Paul from Tokin Daily recently filmed a day in the life of working at River Rock North, a Denver Colorado medical marijuana dispensary. The first 3:25 is...
Steph Sherer, Executive Director at Americans for Safe Access writes a candid piece on the level of hope and excitement she had for Obama in 2008 only...
03:05am Despite the May DEA raids and Richard Lee’s retirement, Oaksterdam University is still alive, and Saturday evening saw its first event under the leadership of his replacement,...