A bill to allow Illinois residents to use medical marijuana in the treatment of their debilitating medical conditions moved one step closer to becoming law Wednesday, when...
The Rasta Pasta Cafe and Genesis in the Jungle Spice Company began in Belize, where owner Maralyn Gill spent many years. The spice packaging company, available locally...
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) on Tuesday blasted 8 former heads of the DEA for pressuring the Obama administration to crack down on laws legalizing the recreational use...
Washington’s Liquor Control Board has delayed the announcement of the new state marijuana consultant hired to advise the board on the implementation of I-502. The board received...
Dr. Paula Brown, who directs the Natural Health and Food Products Research Group at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, has been hired as a board member...
Love is hate. Freedom is slavery. And if Hawaii has its way, pot will be decriminalized but illegal. Its state senate unanimously passed a proposed law that would...
Eight former heads of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a joint statement Tuesday, calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to prevent Colorado and Washington from...
Guns with 3D-printed parts are rather unnerving, and 3D-printed hamburgers sound gross, but on the more fun side of the spectrum, 3D-printed bongs exist, and have been uploaded to MakerBot’s Thingiverse file-sharing hub....
The International Narcotics Control Board, a UN agency, and eight former DEA administrators came out swinging this week against marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington. The INCB says the...
According to Matt Taibbi, in his latest Rolling Stone exposé on the banking and financial industry “Too Big to Jail,” HSBC “helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars...
I’ve mentioned my interest in all things science. Most of the cool shit in this world came around because of discoveries in science and technology, and I...
The Kansas Senate Thursday approved a bill requiring welfare and unemployment benefits recipients to undergo drug tests if there is “reasonable suspicion” they are using drugs. But...
A proposal to legalize marijuana for medical use in Iowa likely is dead for this session. A Senate subcommittee approved the bill Monday, but the panel’s chairman,...
special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, freelancewriter82@gmail.com America’s war on drugs overseas was dealt a heavy blow in the federal courts late last year. In November,...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie denies sabotaging the medical marijuana system in the state. “I do not want people flying to New Jersey, getting off a plane, going...
In 2003, US Navy Corpsman Jeremy Usher (now 31) returned to Colorado from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Usher, serving as combat medic, was shot in the...
Aspen police and Pitkin County Sheriff’s have made no marijuana DUI arrests. Sheriff’s Office records manager Charlie Matthews: “I wouldn’t say it’s so much a policy as that...
William R. Sherman, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) San Diego Field Division, has declared an outright war on medical marijuana patients...