March 13, 2013
NM Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Passes House

NM Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Passes House

A bill that would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults and depenalize the possession of up to a half pound of pot, narrowly...
March 12, 2013
My Favorite Strains: S.A.G.E.

My Favorite Strains: S.A.G.E.

S.A.G.E. is a sativa-dominant hybrid that is a great daytime strain if you need to get things done. Its name is short for Sativa-Afghani Genetic Equilibrium, and...
By: Lateralus
March 12, 2013
New Company to Begin Sales of Self-Contained Growing Systems

New Company to Begin Sales of Self-Contained Growing Systems

Anything Technologies Media Inc. and Quaestus Advisors have formed Whole Earth Systems LLC, which will build, market and sell self-contained growing systems. The systems will be designed for...
March 12, 2013
Hawaii Pro-Cannabis Advocates Form New Groups

Hawaii Pro-Cannabis Advocates Form New Groups

The recent push by the 50th state’s senate to decriminalize personal use amounts of pot spurred the opening of two new organizations by Hawaii pro-cannabis advocates to...
March 12, 2013
CU Boulder to Shut Down 4/20 Smoke-Out Again

CU Boulder to Shut Down 4/20 Smoke-Out Again

The University of Colorado – Boulder, once famed for its 4/20 smoke-out (and great student-grown buds), has announced that it will once again be closing the campus...
March 12, 2013
Texas Marijuana Penalty Reduction Bill Hearing Today

Texas Marijuana Penalty Reduction Bill Hearing Today

House Bill 184 is scheduled for a hearing today. The bill does not decriminalize marijuana in Texas, but the penalties for possession of up to an ounce...
March 12, 2013
UN Report Slams Cruel Drug Treatment as “Torture”

UN Report Slams Cruel Drug Treatment as “Torture”

Compulsory “treatment” for drug addiction in some parts of the world is “tantamount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” according to report last month from the UN’s...
March 12, 2013
Maryland Health Secretary Backs Medical Marijuana Bill

Maryland Health Secretary Backs Medical Marijuana Bill

Joshua Sharfstein, Maryland’s health secretary, expressed support for Dan Morhaim’s medical marijuana bills. Sharfstein says the administration has changed their position on medical marijuana because the federal...
March 12, 2013
Here’s Your Official Spring Breakers Vaporizer

Here’s Your Official Spring Breakers Vaporizer

A consolation prize for those of us who aren’t in Austin watching the Spring Breakers premiere and panels right now: A24 Films, the studio that released the movie, along...
By: Andy Cush
March 12, 2013
Medical Marijuana Bill in Montana Would Ease Over-Regulation

Medical Marijuana Bill in Montana Would Ease Over-Regulation

A 2011 bill devastated Montana’s medical marijuana industry. Since that bill passed, Montana MMJ patients have dropped by about 75% and providers have dropped by more than...
March 12, 2013
Portland (ME) Greens in Marijuana Legalization Referendum

Portland (ME) Greens in Marijuana Legalization Referendum

There is a marijuana legalization bill pending in the Maine legislature, but some activists in the state’s largest city aren’t waiting for elected officials to get the...
March 11, 2013
Weedist Talks to Morgan Fox of Marijuana Policy Project

Weedist Talks to Morgan Fox of Marijuana Policy Project

Weedists: Meet Morgan Fox “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Morgan Fox is the Communications Manager for Marijuana...
March 11, 2013
DC Marijuana Arrests Have Increased Over the Last Decade

DC Marijuana Arrests Have Increased Over the Last Decade

In 2011, there were 4,300 marijuana arrests for possession in DC, doubling the 2,150 arrests in 2001. That’s a 100% increase in marijuana arrests vs. the mere 5.2% DC...
March 11, 2013
Bees Can Get Addicted to Caffeine-laced Nectar

Bees Can Get Addicted to Caffeine-laced Nectar

Science is now telling us that bees will repeatedly go back to a plant to collect nectar, if the nectar is laced with caffeine. So bees are kind of...
March 11, 2013
Grand Rapids Marijuana Dispensaries, Raided Wednesday, Still in Business

Grand Rapids Marijuana Dispensaries, Raided Wednesday, Still in Business

Grand Rapids police raided three medical marijuana dispensaries last Wednesday seizing nearly everything in sight; the Mid-Michigan Compassion Club, the Natural Wellness and Purple Med. GRPD believed they...
March 11, 2013
Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

I am presenting at a symposium sponsored by the Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal, “The War on Drugs: Working Toward a Ceasefire,” this Wednesday 3/13...
March 11, 2013
Cannabis Energy Drink Available in Denver 7-Eleven

Cannabis Energy Drink Available in Denver 7-Eleven

I was walking into the 7-11 on the corner of Denver’s Santa Fe and 3rd on may way to work down the street, when a new product caught my...
March 11, 2013
Massachusetts Medical Society Calls for Study of Marijuana

Massachusetts Medical Society Calls for Study of Marijuana

The Massachusetts Medical Society, which steadfastly opposed the medical marijuana ballot question approved by voters in November, called on Friday for large-scale research of the drug’s potential medical uses...
March 11, 2013
Reddit Cannabis Community R/Trees Celebrates 420,000 Members With NORML Fundraiser

Reddit Cannabis Community R/Trees Celebrates 420,000 Members With NORML Fundraiser

One of the internet’s largest cannabis communities, R/Trees, is closing in on 420,000 members. To celebrate, they graciously offered to run a fundraiser to benefit National NORML’s...
March 11, 2013
Rand Paul: Relax Marijuana Penalties, Allow States to Determine Pot Policy

Rand Paul: Relax Marijuana Penalties, Allow States to Determine Pot Policy

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has stated although he doesn’t personally believe cannabis should be legalized, the current penalties are overly harsh, and he supports I-502 & Amendment...