April 9, 2013
Study: Legal Marijuana Sales Could Quadruple by 2018

Study: Legal Marijuana Sales Could Quadruple by 2018

The Medical Marijuana Business Daily reports that legal marijuana sales could hit $6 billion by 2018, four times this years projected sales of $1.5 billion. This is...
April 9, 2013
Nevada Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced to Assembly

Nevada Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced to Assembly

Assemblyman Joe Hogan introduced HB 402 to the Assembly Judiciary Committee Friday. HB 402 is a marijuana legalization bill that would treat marijuana similarly to alcohol. The...
April 9, 2013
The 2013 International Drug Policy Reform Conference: Denver, CO

The 2013 International Drug Policy Reform Conference: Denver, CO

The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is a biennial event that brings together people from around the world who believe that the war on drugs is doing more...
April 9, 2013
Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

Aurora, CO: Marijuana Sales Could Enrich City

According to the budget and finance office of Aurora (a Denver suburb), the city could see millions in revenue from legal marijuana sales. The actual revenue increase...
April 9, 2013
Maryland General Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana

Maryland General Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana

The Maryland General Assembly has given final approval to a bill that allows residents with serious illnesses to obtain medical marijuana via state-regulated programs administrated by academic...
April 9, 2013
Hash Bash 2013

Hash Bash 2013

Dan Skye of High Times has released a great rundown of Michigan’s latest Hash Bash. The Hash Bash is the oldest annual cannabis rally in America, and...
April 9, 2013
DC Think Tank: Let’s Finally End Marijuana Prohibition

DC Think Tank: Let’s Finally End Marijuana Prohibition

One of the most important Washington, DC think tanks, the Brookings Institute, is hosting a panel discussion on states’ efforts to legalize marijuana on April 15. Marijuana Legalization:...
April 8, 2013
Edibles Review: Healthy Creation Edibles Herbal Tea

Edibles Review: Healthy Creation Edibles Herbal Tea

I love tea. So I decided to try another edible: Healthy Creation Edibles’ Vanilla Chai Cannabis Infused Hybrid Tea. With 100 mg of active cannabinoids, it was priced at...
By: Lateralus
April 8, 2013
Oregon Cannabis Legalization Bill Makes History and Headway

Oregon Cannabis Legalization Bill Makes History and Headway

The first cannabis legalization bill to pass through a legislative committee, Oregon’s HB 3371 has made history. Even USA Today included an article about it. Taken from...
By: Anna Diaz
April 8, 2013
Vet Wants to Legalize Pot for Dogs

Vet Wants to Legalize Pot for Dogs

Veterinarian Doug Kramer thinks that the THC in marijuana could help dogs and other pets with painful conditions that don’t respond to other treatments. Although dismissed by...
April 8, 2013
Kentucky Industrial Hemp Legislation Becomes Law Without Governor’s Signature

Kentucky Industrial Hemp Legislation Becomes Law Without Governor’s Signature

On Friday, April 5th, Governor Steve Beshear of Kentucky stated that he will let Kentucky’s industrial hemp measure become law without his signature. Gov. Beshear had expressed...
April 8, 2013
Marijuana Taxes in Colorado Could Exceed 30 Percent

Marijuana Taxes in Colorado Could Exceed 30 Percent

A legislative panel decided Friday to propose to tax the newly legal drug at 30 percent; a 15% excise tax and 15% sales tax. If the full...
April 8, 2013
Feds’ New Cell Phone Spying Device Raising Privacy Concerns

Feds’ New Cell Phone Spying Device Raising Privacy Concerns

Special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, freelancewriter82@gmail.com Blocked by a Supreme Court decision from using GPS tracking devices without a warrant, federal investigators and other law...
April 8, 2013
Bill to Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Introduced in Alabama

Bill to Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Introduced in Alabama

Many traditionally write off the southern United States as an area dead to cannabis law reform, but one representative is behind a new effort that can change...
April 8, 2013
Seattle Police Return Marijuana Taken from Street Dealers

Seattle Police Return Marijuana Taken from Street Dealers

In what the Seattle Police Department described as its “first time ever” event, street dealers picked up during a police investigation that only possessed small amounts of...
April 8, 2013
Hawaii Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Dies

Hawaii Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Dies

A bill that would have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana has died in the House. Legislators earlier killed a marijuana legalization bill. The decriminalization...
April 6, 2013
Moms for Marijuana Cannabis Quilt Stolen

Moms for Marijuana Cannabis Quilt Stolen

The Moms for Marijuana Cannabis Quilt has been stolen! At approximately 6pm on April 5th, 2013, while traveling from Dallas, TX to Austin, TX on its way...
By: Anna Diaz
April 5, 2013
Piece of the Week | Toro Macro XL

Piece of the Week | Toro Macro XL

Toro Macro XL This week’s piece of the week is arguably the piece of the year. It’s no surprise it comes courtesy of heady glass virtuoso JP...
April 5, 2013
Strain Reviews: Sativa Dominant for Daytime or Active Use

Strain Reviews: Sativa Dominant for Daytime or Active Use

Patients who come into the dispensary where I work ask about good strains for a variety of different situations. Those with chronic pain tend to enjoy indica...
April 5, 2013
Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

Dutch City of Eindhoven Wants to Grow Their Own Marijuana

In an attempt to prevent ‘back-door dealings’ in Dutch coffee shops, the city of Eindhoven wants to grow marijuana for itself. The city apparently has occasional problems...