April 11, 2013
Vandalized MPP Billboard Rises Again With a New Message

Vandalized MPP Billboard Rises Again With a New Message

A Portland billboard put up by Marijuana Policy Project in March only lasted one night before being destroyed. The billboard featured pictures of beer, wine and a...
April 11, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.10)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.04.10)

Rhode Island is set to see its first dispensary open next, Mendocino County faces down the feds, and more news from around the country. Let’s get to...
April 11, 2013
Massachusetts to Test Medical Marijuana for Contaminants

Massachusetts to Test Medical Marijuana for Contaminants

Wednesday the Massachusetts Department of Public Health discussed medical marijuana draft regulations with the Public Health Council. One of these regulations would require dispensary owners to have...
April 11, 2013
Marijuana Eradication by Law Enforcement Plummets Over 60 Percent

Marijuana Eradication by Law Enforcement Plummets Over 60 Percent

The number of marijuana plants eradicated by law enforcement has plummeted in the last few years from a record high of over 10 million plants in 2009...
April 11, 2013
Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Industry Starting to Take Shape

Colorado’s Recreational Marijuana Industry Starting to Take Shape

People who plan to sell legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado will be spared the hassle and expense of having to grow it themselves, thanks to the suggestion...
April 11, 2013
Alabama, Pennsylvania See Marijuana Legalization Bills

Alabama, Pennsylvania See Marijuana Legalization Bills

And then there were eight. That is, as marijuana legalization bills have been formally introduced this month in Alabama and Pennsylvania, the number of states to see...
April 11, 2013
NAACP President: American Drug War’s Toll on Liberty Greater Than Apartheid

NAACP President: American Drug War’s Toll on Liberty Greater Than Apartheid

Ben Jealous, president of the NAACP, said Tuesday “For about 40 years, we’ve decided that is how we solve almost every problem, whether it’s homelessness or drug addiction, we’ve gotten to...
April 11, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.04.10)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.04.10)

Some Utah narcs are having a spotlight shone on them, an NYPD cop goes down for robbing drug dealers, and a Florida deputy gets caught buying pain...
April 10, 2013
Portable Vaporizer Pen Review, Update: O.Pen and Organa Labs Tank Refill Kit

Portable Vaporizer Pen Review, Update: O.Pen and Organa Labs Tank Refill Kit

In my last portable vaporizer pen review on the O.Pen Vape, I predicted that it would be the last pen I would need for awhile. This prediction has...
April 10, 2013
Growing the Green Rush

Growing the Green Rush

  Without the companies who produce and sell the equipment growers depend on, the green rush would not even be possible. All across America, both corporate chains...
By: Mercedys
April 10, 2013
Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie Rolls into Theaters on April 18

Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie Rolls into Theaters on April 18

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment announced that Cheech & Chong’s animated movie will hit theaters for the 4/20 weekend.
April 10, 2013
Celebrities Urge Obama Forward on Drug, Sentencing Reform

Celebrities Urge Obama Forward on Drug, Sentencing Reform

A coalition of more than 175 artists, actors, athletes, elected officials, and civil rights and civil liberties advocates Tuesday sent an open letter to President Obama urging him to...
April 10, 2013
Colorado: Pot Tour is Sold Out, But Company to Plan Others

Colorado: Pot Tour is Sold Out, But Company to Plan Others

Arthur Frommer’s February prediction that pot tours would be a 2013 travel trend appears to be on the mark. My 420 Tours has sold 200 packages for World Cannabis...
April 10, 2013
Police Kill Texas Woman Fleeing Drug Warrants

Police Kill Texas Woman Fleeing Drug Warrants

A police officer in the suburban Dallas community of Richardson, Texas, shot and killed a woman with outstanding drug arrest warrants as she fled from an attempted...
April 10, 2013
Why Aren’t DC Police Sharing Stats for Marijuana Arrests?

Why Aren’t DC Police Sharing Stats for Marijuana Arrests?

DC city council candidate Paul Zukerburg obtained data from police showing that marijuana arrests have been on the rise in Washington DC for years, but was told...
April 10, 2013
Russian Bears Are Stealing Jet Fuel To Get High, True Story!

Russian Bears Are Stealing Jet Fuel To Get High, True Story!

Russian brown bears are noble wild beasts, when not forced to ride motorcycles in the circus. Also, when they’re not huffing empty aviation fuel barrels. These bears are high....
April 10, 2013
Denver Mayor Pushing for Two-Year Marijuana Moratorium

Denver Mayor Pushing for Two-Year Marijuana Moratorium

Michael Hancock, Denver’s mayor, is urging the city council to adopt a two-year marijuana moratorium on recreational sales. Hancock has also pushed for banning private marijuana clubs...
April 10, 2013
Why I Am Going to Sacramento – Medical Cannabis Policy

Why I Am Going to Sacramento – Medical Cannabis Policy

Nothing happens in the state legislature just because it should. Sometimes laws get passed because those with a financial interest in the outcome influence lawmakers. In some...
April 9, 2013
Prospero’s Grow: Week 3: Advanced Nutrients Nirvana and Some Real Growth!

Prospero’s Grow: Week 3: Advanced Nutrients Nirvana and Some Real Growth!

After over 3 weeks growing two marijuana plants in a closet in my studio apartment in Denver, I’m happy to report that the plants are healthy and...
April 9, 2013
Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Video Game Review: Bioshock Infinite

Any first person shooter fans of the past decade are familiar with the BioShock franchise. Christmas came early for stoned gamers on March 26th when the long...