April 15, 2013
Federal Marijuana Legislation: Stalling Without Support

Federal Marijuana Legislation: Stalling Without Support

Federal Marijuana Legislation Despite growing deregulation of marijuana for both medical and recreational usage, without changes to the federal regulatory structure, individuals acting in accordance with state...
By: Mercedys
April 15, 2013
California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom Calls for Legalizing Marijuana

California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom Calls for Legalizing Marijuana

At the California Democratic Party convention in Sacramento Saturday, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom called for marijuana legalization and described the war on drugs as “an abject failure.”...
April 15, 2013
UNICEF Study: Nations With More Liberal Drug Laws, Youths Use Cannabis Less

UNICEF Study: Nations With More Liberal Drug Laws, Youths Use Cannabis Less

UNICEF’s “Report Card 11” found that countries with more liberal drug laws had lower rates of youths who smoked marijuana than nations with stricter penalties. Canada was #1...
April 15, 2013
Vermont House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

Vermont House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

The Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill 98-44 Friday that would decriminalize possession of limited amounts of marijuana. The bill is scheduled for another House vote...
April 15, 2013
What Does Marijuana Do to Pets?

What Does Marijuana Do to Pets?

Colorado State University veterinarian and associate professor Timothy Hacket explains: “If you give a dog a stick of butter or a bowl of cooking oil — marijuana...
April 15, 2013
House Members File Bipartisan “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act”

House Members File Bipartisan “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act”

A bi-partisan group of US representatives led by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) Friday introduced legislation that would end the enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states that...
April 15, 2013
Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

Report: No Easy Options for Feds in Legal Marijuana States

A new report prepared for Congress from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concludes the feds have no easy options to fight Washington & Colorado on legal marijuana, as it...
April 15, 2013
Brookings: How to Avoid a Federal-State Train Wreck

Brookings: How to Avoid a Federal-State Train Wreck

As previewed last week on NORML’s blog, the Brookings Institute is convening a cannabis policy forum on Monday, April 15. In advance of the symposium, Brookings has released...
April 15, 2013
Oregon Must Hand Over Medical Marijuana Records to Feds

Oregon Must Hand Over Medical Marijuana Records to Feds

The DEA has obtained a warrant for Oregon’s medical marijuana records. In the application for the warrant, the requesting DEA agent said, “I have probable cause to believe...
April 15, 2013
Public Benefits Drug Testing Bills Move in Three States

Public Benefits Drug Testing Bills Move in Three States

Bills that would require recipients of public benefits, such as welfare or unemployment benefits, to submit to drug testing, have advanced in three states. On Monday, an...
April 12, 2013
Piece of the Week | Spider-Man Pipes and Bongs

Piece of the Week | Spider-Man Pipes and Bongs

Look out here comes the Spider-Man! If you haven’t been completely immune to pop culture, you know that Spider-Man is a superhero from Marvel comics. This week...
April 12, 2013
Mendocino County Hands Medical Marijuana Records to Feds

Mendocino County Hands Medical Marijuana Records to Feds

After months of postponing a fight between Mendocino County and the US Attorney’s Office, an agreement has been reached. Mendocino County agreed to hand over medical marijuana...
April 12, 2013
Colorado Grow Box Melds NASA, Marijuana Cultivation

Colorado Grow Box Melds NASA, Marijuana Cultivation

Former NASA scientist and co-founder of High Altitude School of Hydroponics, Dale Chamberlain, has now used his knowledge and expertise (he designed a plant growth chamber used...
April 12, 2013
NC Bill Introduced to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties

NC Bill Introduced to Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties

A bill introduced by State Rep. Kelly Alexander, Jr. (D-Mecklenburg) to downgrade the penalty for simple possession of marijuana in North Carolina, passed first reading Wednesday and...
April 12, 2013
Coronation Street Soap Opera Star Stephanie Cole Discusses Cannabis Storyline

Coronation Street Soap Opera Star Stephanie Cole Discusses Cannabis Storyline

British soap opera Coronation Street character Sylvia Goodwin has turned to cannabis to help ease her arthritis in the latest storyline.
April 12, 2013
San Diego City Council Vote on Medical Marijuana Regulations

San Diego City Council Vote on Medical Marijuana Regulations

This past January, newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner, announced plans to stop the crackdown on medical marijuana in San Diego. Mayor Filner began working on a proposal to...
April 12, 2013
Hawaii Senator Rejects Resolutions to Free Pot Minister Roger Christie

Hawaii Senator Rejects Resolutions to Free Pot Minister Roger Christie

Hawaii Senate judiciary committee Chairman Clayton Hee has shot down two resolutions asking authorities to release Roger Christie from federal prison on bail.
April 12, 2013
Modest Changes in Obama’s FY 2014 Drug Budget

Modest Changes in Obama’s FY 2014 Drug Budget

The Obama administration released its Fiscal Year 2014 budget proposal Wednesday, including its 2014 federal drug budget. Pundits and politicians on both sides of the aisle quickly pronounced...
April 11, 2013
Great TV While High: Game of Thrones

Great TV While High: Game of Thrones

With Season 3 off to a great start, I thought it would be fitting to give my little stony recommendation to Game of Thrones. As Game of...
April 11, 2013
NORML Women’s Alliance Wake and Bake

NORML Women’s Alliance Wake and Bake

The NORML Women’s Alliance  is hosting a wake-n-bake to celebrate the launch their new foundation. Set for April 21st, 2013 in Denver Colorado, the event promises the...
By: Anna Diaz