Inhaling cannabis reduces symptoms of Crohn’s disease compared to placebo in patients non-responsive to traditional therapies, according to clinical trial data published online ahead of print in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and...
Harvest of Tempe is the city’s first medical marijuana dispensary to open since Arizona adopted medical marijuana laws in 2010. The focus of the dispensary is clearly...
State lawmakers gave final approval Monday to a measure that will decriminalize possession of limited amounts of marijuana in Vermont. The bill will now be transmitted to...
Weedists: Meet Lauren Vazquez “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Lauren Vazquez is the Fired Up Lawyer,...
Being able to explore over pristine forest, beach access, playgrounds, and a zoo all in one convenient location makes Point Defiance Park a great Weedist Destination! Located...
The government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia is considering legalizing marijuana, the country’s Labor, Health, and Social Affairs minister said Friday. “As far as drugs...
Rejoice Seattle bus riders… bus drivers will now treat legal amounts of lost marijuana (up to 1 ounce) as they would forgotten cell phones and iPods: as...
Illinois Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon says that after hearing from people that could benefit from medical marijuana, she now supports HB-1, Illinois’ MMJ bill. HB-1, which allows doctors...
The California Supreme Court ruled on Monday that medical cannabis dispensaries are legal under state law, but cities and counties can still ban them. The decision in City of Riverside...
Marijuana advocates called it an historic day – one of Seattle’s top cops is taking part in the cannabis freedom march at Westlake Park–as they spread their...
Fly-over action sends message to Holder, launches advocates’ Peace for Patients campaign As U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a commencement speech this morning for UC Berkeley...
A new study compared the risk of bladder cancer in more than 83,000 men who smoked cigarettes only, marijuana only, or both substances. More frequent marijuana use —...
In a recent presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, investigators from the University of California, Los Angeles, provided the latest...
Gaining support With House Bill 1318 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 3 Colorado lawmakers sought to blackmail voters into approving exorbitant taxes on cannabis. The Colorado legislature recently approved House...
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer quietly signed legislation allowing marijuana research on campuses. The only reason this legislation exists is that another bill was passed last year to...
Christian Delarosa, a 34-year-old building superintendent with an almost superhuman ability to identify plant species, was foiled this week, as he spotted some Cannabis growing on the...
Texas Representative Elliott Naishtat introduced HB 594, which would have allowed people arrested for marijuana to demonstrate their medical necessity as an affirmative defense, was killed without a...
Following a hearing Wednesday, the Senate Executive Committee voted 10-5 to approve a bill that would allow Illinois residents with serious illnesses to use medical marijuana if...
High Times reports the April 2013 US Price Index (Kind, Mids & Schwag) of $335 per ounce was essentially flat to March’s $336, and still $5 above the...