July 23, 2013
Arkansas AG Rejects Medical Marijuana for the Sixth Time

Arkansas AG Rejects Medical Marijuana for the Sixth Time

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has yet again rejected a proposal to put medical marijuana up for a vote in the state. For the sixth time, McDaniel...
July 23, 2013
Amendment 64 Working Groups Preparing Final Regulations

Amendment 64 Working Groups Preparing Final Regulations

Colorado’s Department of Revenue released “emergency rules” earlier this month for the recreational marijuana industry, but the rules are being fine-tuned by 5 working groups over the...
July 23, 2013
San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

013 In a grueling week-long trial, a superior court Judge prohibited defense counsel from bringing evidence to support that cannabis patients may lawfully, collectively cultivate medical cannabis...
July 23, 2013
Medbox Expands Into Illinois, Nevada, New York and Oregon

Medbox Expands Into Illinois, Nevada, New York and Oregon

Medbox will begin consulting operations in Illinois, Nevada, New York and Oregon, where legislation has recently allowed for medical marijuana dispensary operations. Medbox recently had great success...
July 23, 2013
Medical Marijuana Push Gears Up in Kentucky

Medical Marijuana Push Gears Up in Kentucky

Kentucky state Senator Perry Clark (D-Louisville) is no quitter. Thwarted twice before in efforts to get a medical marijuana bill moving in Frankfort, Clark and supporters are...
July 23, 2013
Beer Breweries Embrace Cannabis Themed Branding

Beer Breweries Embrace Cannabis Themed Branding

Though the feds still routinely reject beer labeling that mentions or depicts cannabis, one Washington brewery has released a “Joint Effort Hemp Ale” throughout the state. Statewide...
July 23, 2013
Citizen Lobbying Works

Citizen Lobbying Works

Do you remember AB 2312, a bill Assemblymember Tom Amminao (D-SF) in the California legislature last year? AB 2312 would have created a badly-needed regulatory framework for...
July 22, 2013
Weedist Destinations: Gorge Amphitheatre

Weedist Destinations: Gorge Amphitheatre

On their website, the Gorge Amphitheatre claims to be, “one of the most scenic concert locations in the world, offering spectacular river gorge views and concert friendly summer weather,...
By: Mercedys
July 22, 2013
Stoner Spy: Overheard on Seattle City Bus

Stoner Spy: Overheard on Seattle City Bus

The other day, I was riding a Seattle city bus. I was stoned and listening to comedians on Pandora through my headphones. You know, generally just minding...
July 22, 2013
CO Officials Learn Something About Seed to Sale Tracking

CO Officials Learn Something About Seed to Sale Tracking

Members of the Colorado Department of Revenue were taken to school recently, learning a very important lesson about marijuana plants, and their plans for seed to sale...
July 22, 2013
Federal Bill Would Up Penalties for Marijuana Trespass Grows

Federal Bill Would Up Penalties for Marijuana Trespass Grows

A bill introduced Thursday by Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA) and bipartisan cosponsors from California and Colorado would create new penalties for marijuana growers who grow on federal...
July 22, 2013
Settlement Reached in Arkansas Marijuana Machine Lawsuit

Settlement Reached in Arkansas Marijuana Machine Lawsuit

Jerry Cox, president of an Arkansas conservative “family values” group that campaigned against legalizing medical marijuana, agreed not to refer in certain ways to Medicine Dispensing Systems...
July 22, 2013
States Require Testing Marijuana for Safety, Potency

States Require Testing Marijuana for Safety, Potency

Just as marijuana reform advocates predicted, marijuana in a legal market will be safer for users. In response to Colorado and Washington’s legalization laws, laboratories are springing...
July 22, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Too High to Fail

Chronicle Book Review: Too High to Fail

Doug Fine, Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution (2012, Gotham Books, 319 pp., $11.20 HB, $12.39 PB Amazon) [Ed: This review was based on...
July 22, 2013
Nevada Medical Marijuana Users Still Worry About DUI

Nevada Medical Marijuana Users Still Worry About DUI

Nevada medical marijuana users are concerned as the state’s dispensaries open for business in 2014 that they could easily violate Nevada’s DUI standard; driving with more than 2...
July 22, 2013
NYT: As a Religion, Marijuana-Infused Faith Pushes Limits

NYT: As a Religion, Marijuana-Infused Faith Pushes Limits

In an article in New York Times, Mark Oppenheimer reports the imprisonment of Roger Christie, and describes Hawaii’s THC Ministry founded by Mr. Christie. He points out...
July 22, 2013
With Legalization Looming, Lessons from the Netherlands

With Legalization Looming, Lessons from the Netherlands

The US states of Colorado and Washington voted last year to legalize marijuana and are moving forward toward implementing legalization. Activists in several states are lining up...
July 19, 2013
Piece of the Week | Dinosaur Pipes

Piece of the Week | Dinosaur Pipes

This is another category of pipe that I first found on our Pinterest page Bongs & Great Glass, Dinosaur pipes. Dinosaur Pipes Some of these pipes are...
July 19, 2013
Add Cannabis to Your Culinary Menu

Add Cannabis to Your Culinary Menu

I have had the pleasure of sharing several of my favorite recipes here on weedist. As I tried to decide what to share next, I had a...
By: Anna Diaz
July 19, 2013
Professional Sports Committees Rethinking Marijuana Rules

Professional Sports Committees Rethinking Marijuana Rules

In May, the organization that regulates the Olympics – the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) – made headlines when it ruled to increase the threshold of permissible marijuana in an athlete’s system...