High Maintenance is the kind of show that proves the Internet is responsible for so many great things that probably wouldn’t have happened any other way. Created...
Cannabis-friendly folks of all kinds are gathering this weekend in Berea, Kentucky for Cannastock 2013. 3 days of entertainment and networking for cannabis reform in the state...
John Hanger, one of the candidates running for Pennsylvania governor next year, promotes a three-step cannabis reform platform. First, he wants medical marijuana available to patients that need...
In Costa Mesa, CA on Sunday, July 21, the California Democratic party passed two new resolutions at its executive board meeting. The first of the two dealt with President Obama’s...
Even though it is now legal to smoke marijuana in Colorado, a Denver Broncos linebacker is facing a four-game suspension for allegedly testing positive for marijuana. Under...
This Friday, Philly NORML and The Panic Hour return to Independence Mall in Philadelphia for the seventh installment in their monthly protests against marijuana prohibition. From the organizers: “After six successful...
Ray Kelly, who has spent the last 12 years as New York City’s police commissioner, has been a topic of discussion recently for the upcoming vacancy for...
With the exception of R. Crumb and the other comix and concert poster creators, possibly no other artist is more associated with the Sixties than M.C. Escher...
Last week, in San Diego Superior Court, Attorneys Lance Rogers and Logan Fairfax argued their clients, – medical cannabis patients and seriously ill Dennis and Deborah Littles’...
Gov. Maggie Hassan signed a bill into law Tuesday making New Hampshire the 19th state to allow residents with serious illnesses to access and use medical marijuana...
The city of Grand Rapids, Michigan decriminalized marijuana possession, effective May 1, 2013. One argument against the city’s decision was that it would lead to a rise...
When I was in the graduate school portion of the Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Washington in the Department of Geography, I had an...
ANIMAL has a longstanding policy to not use the word “marijuana.” Cannabis? Sure. Weed? Definitely. Pot? Not my term of choice, but hey, it turns up sometimes....
An asset forfeiture scheme that utilized a private security contractor to stop vehicles on Interstate 40 in Caddo County, Oklahoma, has been shut down after garnering strong...
I love writing about great movies on weed; ironically, this 2004 film is about ecstasy. Layer Cake is a tough, British crime and drug drama starring Daniel...
Marijuana advocacy group ASA (Americans for Safe Access) announced today that it has launched a project in partnership with TheAnswerPage.com (a physician’s Q&A forum run by the...