August 1, 2013
Two Michigan Towns to Vote on Marijuana Decriminalization

Two Michigan Towns to Vote on Marijuana Decriminalization

The Michigan communities of Ferndale and Jackson will vote on local marijuana decriminalization initiatives, backers said this week, as they handed in petitions full of registered voter...
August 1, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.07.30)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.07.30)

Deputies packing dope, jail guards smuggling dope, cops doing a little money laundering, and cops getting information for their dope dealer buddies. Just another week in the...
July 31, 2013
Great Artwork While High: Matthew Porter

Great Artwork While High: Matthew Porter

I discovered Matthew Porter, the same way do I so many other wonderful things in my life. I was stoned and heard “Hey, babe ya gotta check...
July 31, 2013
Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Sort of in line with my yoga routines, I am always interested in new ways of compressing time by getting more bang for your effort. A couple...
July 31, 2013
DEA to Pay $4.1 Million to Man Forgotten in Cell

DEA to Pay $4.1 Million to Man Forgotten in Cell

The DEA has agreed to pay $4.1 million to San Diego college student Daniel Chong after rounding him up in a drug sweep last year and then...
July 31, 2013
Video: Ron Paul VS Stephen Baldwin on Cannabis Legalization

Video: Ron Paul VS Stephen Baldwin on Cannabis Legalization

In his blog on, Paul Mulshine discusses a Larry King Live video of Ron Paul debating Stephen Baldwin on marijuana legalization. Debating may be the wrong...
July 31, 2013
Will Uruguay Be First Country to Legalize Cannabis?

Will Uruguay Be First Country to Legalize Cannabis?

As soon as tomorrow afternoon, votes are expected in the Uruguayan House of Representatives which will cast the country into the lead to become the first country...
July 31, 2013
With MMJ Legal in NH, Lawmakers Consider Decriminalization

With MMJ Legal in NH, Lawmakers Consider Decriminalization

An article on reports that New Hampshire lawmakers have begun to consider the decriminalization (which the article mistakenly refers to as legalization) of the possession of small...
July 31, 2013
Expected Soon: More Marijuana Decriminalization in Michigan

Expected Soon: More Marijuana Decriminalization in Michigan

As part of an ongoing cannabis law reform effort in Michigan, voters in three more Michigan cities will soon have the chance to do what their elected...
July 31, 2013


MPP’s video ad that began airing Friday on a jumbotron outside the NASCAR Brickyard 400 was pulled later that afternoon by the media company that owns the video screen. Grazie Media, which had...
July 31, 2013
Washington DC Finally Selling Medical Marijuana

Washington DC Finally Selling Medical Marijuana

DC has seen its first legal marijuana sale under the city’s medical marijuana law, enacted in 1998 by voters but blocked by Congress for most of that...
July 30, 2013
Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

Prospero’s Grow Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash

It’s been about a month since completely harvesting my own crop of bud grown in my studio apartment in Denver. The entire experience was a great opportunity...
July 30, 2013
Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

Great Movies While High: The Color of Money

In this age of on-demand everything, sometimes there’s just too much to choose from, especially stoned. I love it when I am baked and something good just...
July 30, 2013
SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP Presents Campus Drug Policy Gradebook

SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) recently announced their Campus Drug Policy Gradebook. The drug and alcohol policies of the top 300 schools in the country according...
By: Lateralus
July 30, 2013
CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

CNN Video: Cheryl Shuman VS Rehab Profiteer

In a CNN video from Piers Morgan Live, Morgan Spurlock (filling in for Piers Morgan) talked to Cheryl Shuman, Aimee Shuman, and Howard Samuels about marijuana. Cheryl...
July 30, 2013
Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

On Huffington Post, Americans for Safe Access Executive Director Steph Sherer discusses her association’s report “What’s the Cost?”, which details the expenses of the federal government’s interference...
July 30, 2013
Cartel Violence Flares in Western Mexican State

Cartel Violence Flares in Western Mexican State

The Mexican government may have scored a victory earlier this month with the arrest of Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, the leader of the violent and powerful Zetas...
July 30, 2013
Morocco Considering Marijuana Legalization

Morocco Considering Marijuana Legalization

Politicians in Morocco are considering marijuana legalization in an attempt to draw in foreign investments, reduce a record trade deficit and “help pacify inhabitants of a historically...
July 30, 2013
Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Something was conspicuously missing from that Fox News clip we posted earlier today, in which the anti-drug bishop Ron Allen rails against the “horrible” nature of a pro-cannabis ad...
By: Andy Cush
July 30, 2013
North Carolina Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passes

North Carolina Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passes

A bill that would require public benefits recipients to take a drug test upon suspicion they are using drugs won final approval in the North Carolina legislature...