August 5, 2013
Norway Greens Call for State Marijuana Production

Norway Greens Call for State Marijuana Production

The Norwegian Green Party is calling for “state-controlled production and sale of cannabis,” as well as the decriminalization of possession for all drugs. The call comes as the party releases...
August 5, 2013
The Amazing Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis (Marijuana) Leaves

The Amazing Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis (Marijuana) Leaves

In raw form, marijuana leaves and buds are actually loaded with a non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer nutrient compound known as cannabidiol (CBD) that is proving to...
August 5, 2013
Protests Over Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Law on Caregivers

Protests Over Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Law on Caregivers

Massachusetts medical marijuana advocates are outraged with the Department of Public Health, tasked with writing the rules and regulations for the use and distribution of cannabis, after deciding that...
August 5, 2013
UN Drug Agencies Fret Over Uruguay Marijuana Vote

UN Drug Agencies Fret Over Uruguay Marijuana Vote

Wednesday night’s vote in the Uruguayan chamber of deputies to approve a state-run marijuana commerce would make the South American nation the first to create legal pot...
August 5, 2013
The Economist Explains: How Will Uruguay’s Marijuana Law Work?

The Economist Explains: How Will Uruguay’s Marijuana Law Work?

By the end of the month, it may be legal to light up a joint while watching the sun set over Punta del Este. Drug law reformers...
August 5, 2013
Marijuana Adventure: Swashbuckling for Sativa Strains

Marijuana Adventure: Swashbuckling for Sativa Strains

Over the last year or so, I’ve read about, and on occasion met with, the newly-minted ‘cannabis CEOs’ in America (men and women who’re at the vanguard...
August 2, 2013
Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Part High Scientist, part Piece of the Week, this week I touch my SciFi inner geek and pull out the Ray Gun Bubbler. Ray Gun Bubbler We...
August 2, 2013
Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest

I attended the Tenth Annual Olympia Hempfest on Saturday, July 27, 2013, at beautiful Heritage Park, which sits in the shadow of the Washington State Capitol Building....
By: Anna Diaz
August 2, 2013
Long-Ignored Cannabinoid THCV May Hold Key to Diabetes

Long-Ignored Cannabinoid THCV May Hold Key to Diabetes

While it’s apparently taken centuries for scientists to take serious notice of the medical effects of the cannabis plant, virtually all the attention has been on THC,...
August 2, 2013
Illinois Becomes Twenty-First Medical Marijuana State

Illinois Becomes Twenty-First Medical Marijuana State

Illinois became the latest state to allow for the medical use of marijuana Thursday, when Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed into law House Bill 1, the Compassionate Use...
August 2, 2013
Law Change Leads to Decline in Misdemeanor Drug Arrests

Law Change Leads to Decline in Misdemeanor Drug Arrests

The annual number of misdemeanor drug arrests has fallen by nearly 50 percent in California in five years, largely due to the imposition of a 2010 law reducing minor marijuana possession...
August 2, 2013
Uruguay House Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill

Uruguay House Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill

The Uruguayan lower house of Parliament passed a bill that would create the world’s first legal, regulated marijuana markets Wednesday night. The bill passed on a vote...
August 2, 2013
Study: Cannabis Associated with Less Risk of Traffic Accident than Various Medicinal Drugs

Study: Cannabis Associated with Less Risk of Traffic Accident than Various Medicinal Drugs

A driver’s risk of being severely injured in an accident is highest after having either consumed alcohol alone, resulting in a blood/alcohol level above .08, or in...
August 2, 2013
Ohio Initiative Campaign for Medical Marijuana is Underway

Ohio Initiative Campaign for Medical Marijuana is Underway

Medical marijuana backers in the Buckeye State hope the third time is the charm. After twice failing to move initiative efforts in the past couple of years,...
August 1, 2013
Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Help Hempfest Be a Happy Highlight of 2013

Hempfest is perhaps the world’s largest protestival. In 2012, more than 250,000 people attended the weekend-long event to watch entertainment, hear speakers on a wide range of...
By: Mercedys
August 1, 2013
My Favorite Strains:  Island Sweet Skunk

My Favorite Strains: Island Sweet Skunk

With so many different strains of medical marijuana currently available in Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries, it is understandably overwhelming to many first time patients that may not...
August 1, 2013
Great TV While High: Dexter

Great TV While High: Dexter

This iteration of great stoned television is all about Dexter. When Dexter (based on 2004’s Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay) first premiered in 2006 on Showtime...
August 1, 2013
It Begins: Someone Wants to Start “Marlboro of Marijuana”

It Begins: Someone Wants to Start “Marlboro of Marijuana”

We all knew it was coming, self-proclaimed genius Brian Laoruangroch, 29, wants to run a marijuana business like a tobacco business. His goal is to become the “Marlboro...
August 1, 2013
Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

In a weird and wholly-inappropriate display of rage today in the downtown courthouse, Judge Peter Gallagher ranted at defendant Victor Marion for choosing to have medical cannabis...
August 1, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.31)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.31)

A dispensary is now open for business in the nation’s capital; several dozen are coming to Arizona; dispensary and cultivation battles continue in California; Massachusetts advocates prepare...