In one of the best-titled articles I’ve read in a long time, Huffington Post’s John Michael explains why even well-intended folks that think pot should be illegal,...
The good folks over at Think Progress recently put out a very revealing article. In 2012 drug offenses accounted for the majority of total arrests. 82% of...
San Diego Union Tribune endorses medical marijuana and urges San Diego City Council to adopt an ordinance allowing safe access for patients rather then an outright prohibition....
013 The Institute for Social and Economic Research, with the University of Essex, recently concluded a study into a cost benefit analysis of regulating and taxing marijuana in...
013 As a bill to regulate and tax marijuana comes closer to the Uruguayan Senate, public support for the bill seems to be growing. The bill was approved...
Oklahoma NORML released survey results on Friday from a Sooner Poll showing strong support for medical marijuana and majority support for marijuana decriminalization. The poll had support for...
This week we find a not-so-simple spoon: a monster claw pipe with a slyme glass accent. Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass This cool pipe is brought to us...
Leave Luck to Heaven. “You missed the 1-ups on that level.” “I’m going for speed, not longevity.” I watch as my friend gobbles toadstools and glowing flowers,...
I’m sure most people have heard on the news horror stories about drugs like meth and bath salts. These stories are mostly tragic, which should be expected...
The monthly protest of draconian federal cannabis laws continues in front of the Liberty Bell with the ninth Smoke Down Prohibition Rally on Saturday, September 21st. PhillyNORML,...
Tuesday night, the Carbondale Board of Trustees discussed local retail marijuana regulations. The regulations decide where businesses can be located, what kind of businesses will be approved...
In a speech Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder said he was expanding the Justice Department’s recently announced policy of not pursuing mandatory minimum drug sentencing to include...
Over 5,000 signatures for Initiatives 21 and 22 were gathered at Hempstalk, putting both Oregon marijuana initiatives well on their way to making next year’s ballot. Initiative 21...
Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths About Marijuana” by Kevin Sabet (2013, Beaufort Books, 198 pp., $11.66 PB Amazon) Kevin Sabet, or “Kevin Sabet, Ph.D.,”...
Last week, multiple Grammy-winning mega indie rock band Arcade Fire released the first single from their forth-coming album of the same name Reflektor. Following their track record of unconventional...
Another Colorado city has approved a moratorium on recreational cannabis shops. The Louisville City Council approved a moratorium Tuesday rather than passing rules that would have regulated...
The city council of Fort Collins, Colorado approved a temporary ban on recreational marijuana shops on Tuesday. The ban will be revisited in November and February, and...
We’re excited to announce MPP’s second annual list of the Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users! There has been quite a bit of variation since last year,...