Araceli Manjón is the former cabinet director of Spain’s National Drugs Plan, which is a position comparable to the US drug czar. She voiced her support for cannabis reform at...
Supporters of Question 1, the ballot initiative to remove penalties for adult marijuana possession in Portland, are launching a series of ads on METRO buses and bus...
Now You’re Playing with Flower Power As we noted, dab enthusiasts are highly fond of dab pins–a collector’s style pin with pop culture references cleverly parodied to...
In a sign of changing times, at least two separate marijuana initiative campaigns are getting underway in Wyoming, one of the reddest of the red states. One...
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that it appears California is expanding its DNA program to include samples taken from those charged with lesser crimes. People...
Canada’s MMPR (Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations) begin to take over the medical marijuana system today. Under the new regulations only large corporate entities may grow the...
The Business Insider describes a new subscription service that sends items to subscribers on a monthly basis. CannaBox sends cannabis-related items to enthusiasts each month, and hopes...
It looks like THCfinder is about to take it to the next level! Endexx, a corporation that provides web based application as well as storage of documents...
Web services that help qualifying medical marijuana patients find a doctor willing to prescribe marijuana are raising concerns among the Massachusetts Medical Society. The Society is claiming...
The NFL and its players union doesn’t require players to disclose the substances for which they have tested positive. This is becoming more of an issue as...
Dear NORML members and supporters, Over the last month, $26,650 has been raised by NORML members and supporters in a $100,000 donor match put forward by new NORML...
Summer has dwindled into fall and the temperatures are dropping. Sassy Chorizo Vegetable Soup is one of my favorite culinary creations that will keep you warm in these...
Sun, surf and sinsemilla. Puerto Escondido used to boom with tourism, the locals say. The streets were flush with extranjeros whose liquid funds and frivolity represent the...
Mike Barton, Durham’s chief constable says it’s time to end the war on drugs. “What I am saying is that drugs should be controlled. They should not, of...
A great article on The Economist describes a recent ArcView investor’s meeting in Denver. The article describes different sides of the cannabis industry as they exist, and...
Once again, the United Nations’ General Assembly meeting in New York City has become a forum for calls for drug reform. Leaders from Latin America took the...
Orlando attorney and medical marijuana advocate John Morgan compared medical marijuana and oxycontin, noting that marijuana is a safer, non-addictive substitute for the popular pain pills.