October 4, 2013
Why More Women Should Grow Marijuana

Why More Women Should Grow Marijuana

Lately there has been a lot of editorial coverage about women not being at home in the world of weed. While I am glad to see this...
October 4, 2013
Colorado’s Marijuana Tax Debate Heating Up

Colorado’s Marijuana Tax Debate Heating Up

With the vote on Proposition AA, Colorado’s proposed 25% marijuana tax, coming up next month the debate over the taxes are heating up. Activists against the tax...
October 4, 2013
Study: Drugs Cheaper and More Prevalent Despite Prohibition

Study: Drugs Cheaper and More Prevalent Despite Prohibition

Law enforcement-based efforts criminalizing the possession of illicit substances have largely failed to reduce drug production, potency, or access, according to an assessment of global drug interdiction...
October 4, 2013
New Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced In Wisonsin

New Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced In Wisonsin

Yesterday, the introduction of the Jacki Rickert Medical Cannabis Act was announced by its sponsors at a press conference. The new Wisconsin medical marijuana bill is sponsored...
October 4, 2013
California: Governor Signs Industrial Hemp Farming Act

California: Governor Signs Industrial Hemp Farming Act

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown last week signed legislation, Senate Bill 566: the California Industrial Hemp Farming Act, into law. The measure reclassifies varieties of cannabis containing minute...
October 4, 2013
Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

A new poll jointly commissioned by MPP and the ACLU of Maryland shows that a majority of Marylanders support legalizing marijuana for adults and regulating it similarly...
October 4, 2013
Switzerland Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

Switzerland Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

As of this week, the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana is no longer a criminal offense in Switzerland. Instead, the Swiss have decriminalized the possession of...
October 3, 2013
How an Amsterdam Trip Turned Singer Songwriter Eric Hutchinson Into a Weedist

How an Amsterdam Trip Turned Singer Songwriter Eric Hutchinson Into a Weedist

Weedists: Meet Eric Hutchinson “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Weedists can be many different kinds of...
October 3, 2013
My Favorite Strains: Happy Camper Ice Wax

My Favorite Strains: Happy Camper Ice Wax

Happy Camper Ice Wax is a concentrate made from fresh, frozen plant material that is sifted through fine micron screen. The batch that I tried had a...
October 3, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.02)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.02)

California localities continue to grapple with medical marijuana issues; meanwhile, officials in three states are moving forward with implementing medical marijuana laws, and a key Kentucky politician...
October 3, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.10.02)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.10.02)

Cops peddling pot, cops gobbling steroids, cops with sticky fingers, and, of course, a crooked prison guard. Just another week on the drug war corruption beat. Let’s...
October 3, 2013
Two Ways to Use Your Cannabis Stems

Two Ways to Use Your Cannabis Stems

Stems are often overlooked as unusable. This video shows one easy, but kind of energy intensive, way to use them. Here are two other simple things you...
By: Anna Diaz
October 3, 2013
Boro Derby 2013 Seattle Begins Tomorrow: Glass World Faces and Races Off

Boro Derby 2013 Seattle Begins Tomorrow: Glass World Faces and Races Off

The elite artists of the borosilicate glass world (ya know, the crazy headie pipe guys) are making truly unprecedented money right now. Wouldn’t it be nice if...
October 3, 2013
Colorado Accepting Applications for Retail Cannabis Outlets

Colorado Accepting Applications for Retail Cannabis Outlets

The state of Colorado’s Marijuana Enforcement Division yesterday began accepting formal applications from those seeking to open the first-in-the-nation retail cannabis outlets. The agency had accepted 23...
October 3, 2013
Defelonization – The Next Step in Winding Down the Drug War

Defelonization – The Next Step in Winding Down the Drug War

Thirteen states, the District of Columbia, and the federal government have already passed laws making simple drug possession a misdemeanor instead of a felony, and the momentum...
October 3, 2013
Pot Bust by Traffic Cops Picked Up by Justices

Pot Bust by Traffic Cops Picked Up by Justices

The Supreme Court said it will take up whether an anonymous 911 call reporting a reckless driver justified a search that led to a pot bust. In...
October 2, 2013
Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Cannabis Under the Medical Microscope

Are advocates ready for the side effects of cannabis? Perhaps the most promising development caused by increased leniency toward cannabis’ Schedule I status is the incipient field...
October 2, 2013
Three-Year-Old Goes to School With 14 Bags of Weed

Three-Year-Old Goes to School With 14 Bags of Weed

If you haven’t already, check out this story about a toddler who went to school with a backpack full of weed in New York City. I had...
October 2, 2013
MPP Plans to End Prohibition in 10 More States by 2017

MPP Plans to End Prohibition in 10 More States by 2017

The nation’s largest marijuana policy organization announced Monday it will support efforts to end marijuana prohibition in 10 more states by 2017. The Marijuana Policy Project’s announcement...
October 2, 2013
Kentucky House Speaker May Support Medical Marijuana Law

Kentucky House Speaker May Support Medical Marijuana Law

Kentucky advocates for medical marijuana received a pleasant surprise last week when several media outlets reported that House Speaker Greg Stumbo (D-Prestonsburg) is now “leaning in favor”...