With cannabis legalization spreading, local governments are left with little direction on how to change current policies to reflect the new legal reality. Many questions remain, but...
Should I smoke cannabis, vaporize it, eat it, drink it? Rub it on my skin? With the relatively recent legalization in Washington and Colorado and the growing...
Just days after news broke that the NYPD had arrested a man for Jolly Rancher possession, a similarly candy-coated drama played out in the courts. George Pringle, 57,...
For the first time since creating the District Medical Marijuana Program more than three years ago, the D.C. Council Committee on Health convened an oversight hearing on...
An employee of a Seattle thrift store was emptying a donation bin only to find a large garbage bag “containing 2.5 pounds of marijuana.” Consequently, the Seattle Police Department decided to...
Earlier this year, we came within just 4 votes on the floor of the Maine House of Representatives on legislation that would have put marijuana legalization before...
The Marijuana Policy Project submitted comments today recommending revisions to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services’ proposed medical marijuana compassion center regulations. MPP is particularly...
Apparently inspired by the handful of elected officials in D.C. who brought our government to a dead stop, several Pierce County, WA council members are planning a...
Gallup released new polling data today that shows an overwhelming majority of Americans want marijuana to be legalized. According to their survey, 58% of Americans support legalizing...
Many parents are bringing their children to Colorado to receive cannabis treatment for pediatric epilepsy and cancer. The number of minor patients on the MMJ registry nearly...
A study has found that examining breath for cannabinoids could be far more useful than the blood tests currently used to set the standard for impairment. The...
Medical marijuana advocates will hold stakeholder meetings across Washington State next week in advance of submitting written public comments on regulations being developed for I-502, the state’s...
Ladybud’s Vanessa Waltz interviews Heather Jackson, Executive Director of Realm of Caring. Realm of Caring is an organization that connects young medical marijuana patients with the special strains they...