November 11, 2013
Drug-Related Hashtags Active After Instagram Kills Them

Drug-Related Hashtags Active After Instagram Kills Them

Yesterday, the BBC reported that Instagram had blocked several drug-related hashtags after a BBC investigation about drug sales on the photo-sharing network. Curious to see what had...
By: Andy Cush
November 11, 2013
Marijuana Miracle: 5 Exciting New Discoveries About Pot

Marijuana Miracle: 5 Exciting New Discoveries About Pot

Martin A. Lee describes new discoveries about pot, including that the pain relieving effects of acupuncture are mediated by cannabinoid receptors.
November 11, 2013
Aesliip Strain Stories: Purple Haze and Hippie Rick

Aesliip Strain Stories: Purple Haze and Hippie Rick

I had an interesting experience the other day that I feel compelled to share. It was completely random and an example of genuine friendliness. While wandering the wilds...
November 11, 2013
CNN Video: Pot to Mint More Millionaires Than Microsoft?

CNN Video: Pot to Mint More Millionaires Than Microsoft?

CNN’s Don Lemon sat down to talk legalization with stakeholders on both sides of the debate: Steve DeAngelo, Kevin Sabet and Jamen Shively. This video clip features...
November 11, 2013
Republican Lawmaker Teams With Mormon Moms For Legal Cannabis Oil…In Utah

Republican Lawmaker Teams With Mormon Moms For Legal Cannabis Oil…In Utah

If anyone out there still doubts that marijuana legalization is gaining some serious traction, feast your eyes on this headline: “Utah Republican Lawmaker, Mormon Moms Fight For...
November 8, 2013
Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

This week’s Piece of the Week is the sickest friggin’ piece I have ever seen! Feast your eyes and show your respect to the Rob Morrison vs....
November 8, 2013
Man Dies In Jail Cell After Misdemeanor Pot Offense

Man Dies In Jail Cell After Misdemeanor Pot Offense

A man died from food allergies in a Washington jail cell after a misdemeanor pot offense.
November 8, 2013
November Chapter Meeting: San Diego Americans for Safe Access

November Chapter Meeting: San Diego Americans for Safe Access

Join the San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access on Tuesday, November 12th from 7-9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA...
November 8, 2013
Marijuana Might Be Affecting Your Skin

Marijuana Might Be Affecting Your Skin

Marijuana might be affecting your skin in both good and bad ways, depending on how you use it.
November 8, 2013
Miami Beachers Vote for Medical Marijuana

Miami Beachers Vote for Medical Marijuana

64% of this year’s Miami Beach Voters cast their vote for medical marijuana.
November 8, 2013
Arkansans for Compassionate Care Kicks Off With Music Fest

Arkansans for Compassionate Care Kicks Off With Music Fest

Medical marijuana advocates Arkansans for Compassionate Care (ACC) and Americans for Safe Access (ASA) have joined forces to put an initiative on the 2014 ballot. The Arkansas...
November 8, 2013
Alcohol Is Really Pissed Off at Marijuana Right Now

Alcohol Is Really Pissed Off at Marijuana Right Now

Alcohol lobbyists are not happy about the increasing acceptance of the fact that marijuana is safer than alcohol.
November 8, 2013
Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Another challenge facing the marijuana newcomer is choosing the proper strain. Frankly, this may not be too much of a concern when you’re just starting out. Similar...
November 7, 2013
High Times: The Dark Side of (Illegal) Pot Growing: 4 Facts

High Times: The Dark Side of (Illegal) Pot Growing: 4 Facts

High Times’ Danny Danko describes the more horrible aspects of illegal pot growing, which I sometimes forget still happens. I love Colorado.
November 7, 2013
Police Department Puts Drugs Ahead of Solving Homicides

Police Department Puts Drugs Ahead of Solving Homicides

One of the many predicted benefits of regulating marijuana is to allow police to focus on solving violent crimes, and an investigation into the Oakland Police Department...
November 7, 2013
WA Cannabis Start-Ups Pitched Investors For Funding Tuesday

WA Cannabis Start-Ups Pitched Investors For Funding Tuesday

The ArcView Investing group held a meeting in Seattle on Tuesday for hopeful cannabis start-ups to pitch their businesses.
November 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.06)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.06)

And the beat goes on. From the West Coast to the East Coast and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast, medical marijuana is on the...
November 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Could Mean Big Money For Illinois

Medical Marijuana Could Mean Big Money For Illinois

CBS reports that Illinois’ medical marijuana business is expected to rake in big money, as much as $45 million the first year.
November 7, 2013
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Banking Woes

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Banking Woes

In the usual fashion of one part progress to two parts regression, I have a story of weed woe to share. Two weeks ago, my dispensary was...
November 7, 2013
Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization

Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization

Mary Jane continues to kick ass and take names, as 58% of this great land of ours now sees things our way. However, we all know the court...