November 18, 2013
Manitou Springs to OK Marijuana, Mayor Gives Epic Speech

Manitou Springs to OK Marijuana, Mayor Gives Epic Speech

An excellent article on the Colorado Springs Independent recounts a spectacular speech made by the Mayor of Manitou Springs, Colorado.
November 18, 2013
WA Liquor Control Board MMJ Hearing Draws 700+ Concerned Citizens

WA Liquor Control Board MMJ Hearing Draws 700+ Concerned Citizens

The Setting: Liquor Control Board Public Hearing Over 700 concerned citizens came to Lacey on Wednesday, November 13th for their chance to give feedback on the Liquor...
By: Mercedys
November 15, 2013
Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

The tuxedo of edible pieces. Fruit and vegetables have been at it for years. Fruit versus vegetable juices, orchards versus gardens, chips versus fruit snacks, it’s Army...
November 15, 2013
Why Marijuana Legalization May Be Good for Agriculture

Why Marijuana Legalization May Be Good for Agriculture

Sami Grover suggests why marijuana legalization may be good for agriculture: fewer guerrilla grows and the efficiency of LEDs.
November 15, 2013
Magazines From Right and Left Come Together on Legalization

Magazines From Right and Left Come Together on Legalization

Chris Soda from Drug Policy Alliance describes the growing support for marijuana legalization from all parties.
November 15, 2013
How to Make Marijuana Hot Chocolate

How to Make Marijuana Hot Chocolate

Johnny Green explains how to make great marijuana hot chocolate.
November 15, 2013
NORML PAC Endorses John Hanger for Governor of Pennsylvania

NORML PAC Endorses John Hanger for Governor of Pennsylvania

At press conferences held in Philadelphia and Harrisburg on Wednesday, and one in Pittsburgh today, NORML PAC announced its endorsement of Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate John Hanger. John...
November 15, 2013
Denver’s Latest Cannabis Rules Allows for Yard Smoking

Denver’s Latest Cannabis Rules Allows for Yard Smoking

In a draft far more reasonable than previous versions, Denver City Council has released new proposed cannabis rules for users in Denver. Thanks to libertarians, the latest...
November 15, 2013
Open Letter to Oregon Dispensary Rules Advisory Committee

Open Letter to Oregon Dispensary Rules Advisory Committee

The third draft of the rules for Oregon medical cannabis dispensaries were made public Wednesday. Here is my open letter to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Dispensary Rules...
By: Anna Diaz
November 14, 2013
Ladybud to Lady Gaga: You Suck

Ladybud to Lady Gaga: You Suck

Shocked by Lady Gaga’s claim that she was addicted to weed, Ladybud’s Vanessa Waltz explains that there is no physical addiction with marijuana.
November 14, 2013
How Valuable Legalizing Marijuana Could Be for America

How Valuable Legalizing Marijuana Could Be for America

PolicyMic explains how valuable legalizing marijuana could be for America, with an excellent infographic to demonstrate.
November 14, 2013
Survey: Unacceptable To Be Fired For Off-Job Marijuana Use

Survey: Unacceptable To Be Fired For Off-Job Marijuana Use

Nearly two-thirds of Americans disagree with workplace policies that allow employers to sanction an employee for his or her off-the-job consumption of cannabis, according to a just released...
November 14, 2013
Colorado Springs Working Toward Lifting Weed Ban

Colorado Springs Working Toward Lifting Weed Ban

Citizens of Colorado Springs are working toward lifting the recreational weed ban, put into place despite the people’s wishes.
November 14, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.13)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.13)

Budweiser sponsors a medical marijuana campaign event in Arkansas, California localities continue to grapple with regulating the business, and there is action afoot in Utah. And that’s...
November 14, 2013
US Attorney Defies White House

US Attorney Defies White House

US Attorney Melinda Haag is continuing her crusade against medical marijuana, despite recent changes in federal guidelines.
November 14, 2013
The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

The Culture High: Behind the Scenes With NORML UK

Regular readers know that we are supporters of The Culture High. The Culture High is a forthcoming documentary from Executive Producer Adam Scorgie and Director Brett Harvey...
November 14, 2013
Denver Holds First Recreational Dispensary Public Hearing

Denver Holds First Recreational Dispensary Public Hearing

This Tuesday, Denver held its first public hearing for a recreational dispensary, The Grove. The City of Denver felt it was absolutely necessary to hold these hearings...
November 14, 2013
Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

I still take marijuana tolerance breaks approximately every three months for a week (a good rule of thumb from my doctor at Medicann), so I don’t have...
November 13, 2013
MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Benefit Concert Tonight

MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Benefit Concert Tonight

A benefit concert is being held for MMAR Coalition Against Repeal featuring the Rascalz at Fortune Sound Club in Vancouver, BC at 7pm tonight.
November 13, 2013
Steve Elliott: Is Moms For Marijuana Imploding?

Steve Elliott: Is Moms For Marijuana Imploding?

Steve Elliott explores recent developments within Moms for Marijuana International, which saw three major resignations in as many days.