November 20, 2013
New, Bi-Partisan Medical Marijuana Bill in Pennsylvania

New, Bi-Partisan Medical Marijuana Bill in Pennsylvania

A new medical marijuana bill has been proposed in the Pennsylvania Senate by a longtime medical marijuana advocate, Senator Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery), and a socially conservative senator,...
November 20, 2013
Vice: Is Britain Set for Its Very Own Cannabis Revolution?

Vice: Is Britain Set for Its Very Own Cannabis Revolution?

Author Doug Fine recently spoke in London about the US cannabis revolution, asking if Britain is ready for its own.
November 20, 2013
UN Bureaucrats Fret About Uruguay’s Marijuana Legalization

UN Bureaucrats Fret About Uruguay’s Marijuana Legalization

Uruguay is blowing off the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) as it prepares to become the first country to legalize marijuana commerce, and the INCB is “concerned.” The South...
November 20, 2013
Motley Fool: The Winners and Losers of Marijuana Legalization

Motley Fool: The Winners and Losers of Marijuana Legalization

Aaron Sankin breaks down the business end of the effects of marijuana legalization.
November 20, 2013
Local California Medical Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Local California Medical Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Even though California has a statewide medical marijuana program, there are many specific local California medical marijuana cultivation laws. Are you a California medical marijuana patient? Have...
November 20, 2013
California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

Americans for Safe Access is asking California MMJ patients to take a short survey.
November 20, 2013
Dispensary Life: Quarantining and Washing Kief Laden Clothes

Dispensary Life: Quarantining and Washing Kief Laden Clothes

I have the greatest job in the world. I get to talk about weed all day, talk about getting high all day, sell the best medicine ever,...
November 19, 2013
DEA Claims Repealing Prohibition Fosters Organized Crime

DEA Claims Repealing Prohibition Fosters Organized Crime

In a new report, the DEA claims criminal organizations will benefit from legalization…Um, somehow.
November 19, 2013
High Times: Weed Continues to Win Over Booze

High Times: Weed Continues to Win Over Booze

In response to the argument that legalizing marijuana will add to society’s problems, High Times points to New Zealand, where residents have been giving up the bottle...
November 19, 2013
PolicyMic: Legalization About So Much More Than Smoking Weed

PolicyMic: Legalization About So Much More Than Smoking Weed

PolicyMic’s Gabriel Grand explains that cannabis legalization is about more than just smoking weed, it’s about ending the policy of spending money to lock up peaceful citizens.
November 19, 2013
Study: Many IBD Patients Report Relief From Cannabis

Study: Many IBD Patients Report Relief From Cannabis

An estimated one-in-six patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) report using cannabis therapeutically, according to survey data published in the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Researchers assessed survey...
November 19, 2013
Positive Drug Tests for Marijuana Plummet

Positive Drug Tests for Marijuana Plummet

Over the past decade, positive drug tests for marijuana in the general workforce have dropped by 1/3.
November 19, 2013
Hemp Seeds, Great Ways to Add This Healthy Food to Your Diet

Hemp Seeds, Great Ways to Add This Healthy Food to Your Diet

Hemp seeds are among the nutrient-dense healthy foods I incorporate into my regular diet. I eat hemp seeds shelled and raw, which has a slightly nutty flavor...
November 19, 2013
Birth Control Pill Use May Double Women’s Glaucoma Risk

Birth Control Pill Use May Double Women’s Glaucoma Risk

Glaucoma is a disease that causes optic nerve damage in the eyes, usually caused by abnormally high pressure inside your eye. Worldwide, glaucoma affects 60 million people, is...
November 19, 2013
WA Liquor Control Board Breaks Procedure at MMJ Public Hearing

WA Liquor Control Board Breaks Procedure at MMJ Public Hearing

Few times in life have I felt such shock and fear of imminent danger, as when the Chair of the Liquor Control Board announced a stunning decision...
By: Mercedys
November 18, 2013
Life Without Parole for Marijuana

Life Without Parole for Marijuana

Many recent victories towards ending marijuana prohibition give hope that our justice system will stop incarcerating nonviolent adults who choose to use a substance safer than alcohol....
November 18, 2013
Czechs in Quandary Over Legal Medical Marijuana

Czechs in Quandary Over Legal Medical Marijuana

The Czech Republic legalized medical marijuana this year, but due to strict guidelines there are many problems with access.
November 18, 2013
Rep. Alan Silvia Off Base on Medical Marijuana

Rep. Alan Silvia Off Base on Medical Marijuana

State Rep. Alan Silvia got the facts wrong when he wrote that there is no difference between medical marijuana and “street” marijuana, Guest Opinion, Oct. 30. There...
November 18, 2013
FDA Approves Plant-Derived CBD to Treat Children

FDA Approves Plant-Derived CBD to Treat Children

GW Pharmaceuticals announced the FDA approval of one of its drugs that’s basically just concentrated, plant-derived CBD.
November 18, 2013
Pets and Cannabis

Pets and Cannabis

Cannabis users spoil their pets, just like everybody else. We love them like family, because that’s what they are. As cannabis becomes more accepted as medicine for...
By: Anna Diaz