November 27, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.26)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.11.26)

Massachusetts and Illinois prepare for medical marijuana dispensaries, action is picking up in state legislatures, and Americans for Safe Access issues a report on state compliance with...
November 27, 2013
Former DA, Congressman Wants To Open 3 Dispensaries

Former DA, Congressman Wants To Open 3 Dispensaries

William Delahunt, former district attorney and congressman, wants to open 3 dispensaries in Massachusetts.
November 27, 2013
Report: MMJ States Already Compliant with Federal Guidelines

Report: MMJ States Already Compliant with Federal Guidelines

Medical marijuana advocates Americans for Safe Access (ASA) issued a report today that analyzes the Obama Administration’s latest enforcement guidelines for federal prosecutors in states that regulate...
November 27, 2013
Leaf Science: 5 Ways Marijuana Affects Sleep

Leaf Science: 5 Ways Marijuana Affects Sleep

Leaf Science describes 5 interesting ways that marijuana affects sleep.
November 27, 2013
Cannabis 101: Checking Out Trichomes

Cannabis 101: Checking Out Trichomes

You know you’ve likely got some good weed if it’s covered in trichomes. These are the little white mushroom-like things that stick to your weed and is...
November 27, 2013
Stoner App Review: Marijuana Handbook

Stoner App Review: Marijuana Handbook

I just recently got a new phone as a result of my last smartphone breaking down from some mystery something or other. The new little pocket computer...
November 27, 2013
Denver Council Votes Against Front Yard and Balcony Smoking

Denver Council Votes Against Front Yard and Balcony Smoking

Despite support from cannabis activists and libertarians, Denver’s City Council voted 7-5 to ban front yard and balcony smoking in Denver. There is still a final vote...
November 26, 2013
Capitalizing On Cannabis: New Leaders Emerge

Capitalizing On Cannabis: New Leaders Emerge

In his latest article following the cannabusiness, Alan Brochstein lists new leaders as the industry continues to step out of the shadows.
November 26, 2013
Oregon Solons to Take Up Marijuana Legalization

Oregon Solons to Take Up Marijuana Legalization

State Sen. Floyd Prozanski (D-Eugene), the powerful head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, last Friday unveiled a draft bill that would ask voters in the November 2014...
November 26, 2013
80% of CO Physicians Say Medical Schools Should Train on MMJ

80% of CO Physicians Say Medical Schools Should Train on MMJ

Leaf Science reports that 80% of Colorado physicians think medical schools should train for the use of medical marijuana.
November 26, 2013
Drug Reform Funder Peter Lewis Dead at 80

Drug Reform Funder Peter Lewis Dead at 80

Peter B. Lewis, the billionaire head of Progressive Insurance and a leading funder of drug reform efforts in recent decades, died Saturday at his home in Coconut...
November 26, 2013
Moms for Marijuana’s Lindsey Rinehart Speaks Out

Moms for Marijuana’s Lindsey Rinehart Speaks Out

Toke Signals hosts an article by Lindsey Rinehart of Moms for Marijuana, discussing all the recent drama surrounding the organization.
November 26, 2013
Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

On December 6th hundreds of connoisseurs will celebrate the one year anniversary of legalization in Washington state by consuming cannabis legally at the Seattle Center. When first...
By: Mercedys
November 26, 2013
Study: Ibuprofen May Prevent Marijuana Memory Problems

Study: Ibuprofen May Prevent Marijuana Memory Problems

A new study reveals the cause of marijuana memory problems, and suggests that over-the-counter painkillers can prevent this drawback of a cannabis lifestyle.
November 26, 2013
MDMA Shedding Reputation as Pure Party Drug

MDMA Shedding Reputation as Pure Party Drug

The drug scene is an interesting litmus test for society. In turbulent and revolutionary times, drugs like acid and other psychedelics were sought after while eras of...
November 25, 2013
Colorado Raids Linked to DOJ Memo Violations, Drug Gangs

Colorado Raids Linked to DOJ Memo Violations, Drug Gangs

On Thursday November 21, US law enforcement agents, along with local police officers raided 14 medical marijuana locations around Colorado (including dispensaries, grow warehouses and two private...
November 25, 2013
Support for Medical Marijuana In Florida Reaches Record High

Support for Medical Marijuana In Florida Reaches Record High

A new poll by Quinnipiac University reveals that 82% of Florida voters support medical marijuana. Florida advocates are currently pushing for legislation that would allow seriously ill...
November 25, 2013
Washington State Patrol Ordering More Marijuana DUI Tests

Washington State Patrol Ordering More Marijuana DUI Tests

Steve Elliott explains how I-502’s per se limit on impairment for marijuana DUI has caused police to order lots more blood tests.
November 25, 2013
Edibles Review: Beyond Mars Dark Chocolate

Edibles Review: Beyond Mars Dark Chocolate

As a professional budtender at a great medical marijuana dispensary, it’s getting hard for me to keep up with all the great new products available to patients. I...
November 25, 2013
Florida Couple Accidentally Smuggles 11 Pounds of Marijuana

Florida Couple Accidentally Smuggles 11 Pounds of Marijuana

A Florida couple accidentally smuggled 11 pounds of bud in two locked suitcases thought to be lost luggage.