January 8, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Cannasoup Shooters

Great Edibles Recipes: Cannasoup Shooters

With the strange and oddly widespread cold front that has seemingly settled across country looking to stick around and generally give the US a nastily cold winter,...
January 8, 2014
Could You Lose Your Job for Smoking Legal Pot?

Could You Lose Your Job for Smoking Legal Pot?

The Daily Beast reports a Colorado case that may finally protect employees from being fired for off-job, legal pot use.
January 8, 2014
Stoner App Review: Weed Laws

Stoner App Review: Weed Laws

With Colorado allowing businesses to sell marijuana recreationally (Washington soon enough) and many more allowing some form of medical marijuana, it’s understandable that many people would have...
January 7, 2014
While Majority Support Legalization, Many Remain Uninformed

While Majority Support Legalization, Many Remain Uninformed

The majority of Americans support legalization, but almost half of people still believe that marijuana is harmful and/or a gateway drug.
January 7, 2014
It Is Immoral to Cage Humans for Smoking Marijuana

It Is Immoral to Cage Humans for Smoking Marijuana

Conor Friedersdorf gives a great explanation of why it is immoral to cage humans for smoking marijuana.
January 7, 2014
CNN Poll: 55% Support Marijuana Legalization

CNN Poll: 55% Support Marijuana Legalization

A CNN/ORC International survey released Monday has a solid majority of Americans supporting the legalization of marijuana. Some 55% agreed that marijuana should be legal, with 44% disagreeing. CNN...
January 7, 2014
Third Dispensary Opens in New Jersey

Third Dispensary Opens in New Jersey

New Jersey’s third dispensary opened its doors to a limited number of patients Friday.
January 7, 2014
Instafire: Kurt B and Elbo Chinoiserie Dino

Instafire: Kurt B and Elbo Chinoiserie Dino

Posted by @fuzionglassgallery There is nothing I love more than identifying a pipe’s artist just by looking at it. The feeling is concentrated like a good shatter...
January 7, 2014
Maryland Senate President Supports Legal Marijuana

Maryland Senate President Supports Legal Marijuana

Just days after the first legal marijuana sales took place in Colorado, Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) announced that he would support legislation...
January 7, 2014
How to Simple Flash your Wax and Other Full Melt Concentrates

How to Simple Flash your Wax and Other Full Melt Concentrates

When I first heard about earwax, shatter, and the entire concept of dabbing, I was pretty much instantly sold on the idea of getting my THC in...
January 7, 2014
High Times Launches Private Equity Fund For Cannabusinesses

High Times Launches Private Equity Fund For Cannabusinesses

High Times magazine launched a private equity fund for cannabusinesses, hoping to raise $100 million over the next 2 years to invest in the industry.
January 7, 2014
Psychology of Quitting, Why I Cannot Foresee Giving Up Cannabis

Psychology of Quitting, Why I Cannot Foresee Giving Up Cannabis

A friend of mine is trying to quit smoking cigarettes and I asked him how it was going. He was having a bad day and was really...
January 6, 2014
The Top 10 International Drug Policy Stories of 2013

The Top 10 International Drug Policy Stories of 2013

What a year in drug reform! 2013 saw a historic breakthrough on the international front, as well as evidence that powerful currents are shifting inexorably away from...
January 6, 2014
Weed Stocks Skyrocket After Colorado Sells $1M on First Day

Weed Stocks Skyrocket After Colorado Sells $1M on First Day

Weed stocks have shot up over the past week after the incredible amount of business legal marijuana shops have done since January 1.
January 6, 2014
What’s in a Name? Ask the Denver Post

What’s in a Name? Ask the Denver Post

A couple of weeks ago, just in time for recreational sales to begin in Colorado, the Denver Post launched its cannabis coverage blog The Cannabist, a sleek,...
January 6, 2014
Cuomo to Establish NY Medical Marijuana Program Based on ’80s-Era Legislation

Cuomo to Establish NY Medical Marijuana Program Based on ’80s-Era Legislation

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) plans to use his executive powers to allow the limited use of medical marijuana, the New York Times reported Sunday. He will issue...
January 6, 2014
Four Hot Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado Today

Four Hot Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado Today

As just about everyone in the world has heard at this point, Colorado became the first state in the nation to allow the sales of recreational marijuana...
January 6, 2014
New Mexico Gov Martinez Opposes State Legalizing Marijuana

New Mexico Gov Martinez Opposes State Legalizing Marijuana

Although New Mexico state Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino wants to introduce a constitutional amendment to legalize recreational marijuana in NM similar to Colorado’s model to address...
January 6, 2014
Colorado State Medical Marijuana Card Fee Drop Will Help Patients Retain Fair Access

Colorado State Medical Marijuana Card Fee Drop Will Help Patients Retain Fair Access

A couple of weeks ago the state of Colorado announced that starting in February 2014, the fee to be on the medical marijuana registry and to purchase...
January 3, 2014
Piece of the Week | David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler

Piece of the Week | David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler

This week we salute David Umbs and his creation, the Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler (h/t Pinterest: McKenna Burgess) David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler A rainbow flame...