Rep. Sherry Jones has taken an important step for seriously ill patients in Tennessee and introduced a medical marijuana bill, HB 1385. The bill, known as the Koozer-Kuhn Medical...
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s plan to bring medical cannabis to 20 hospitals around New York, announced this week, has been criticized by activists for being too narrow and too reliant on...
France’s ministry of health announced Thursday that it has approved Sativex, a cannabis-based mouth spray produced by GW pharmaceutricals. Sativex will be available in France in 2015...
Leaf Science reports on a study that found a hormone released when THC is used also inhibits THC receptors, explaining why marijuana users never overdose.
Regulated dispensaries are coming to Oregon, it’s looking increasingly likely that a medical marijuana initiative is coming to Florida, New York’s governor sticks a toe in the...
There are some amazing strains you have never heard of that you can’t get in (insert wherever place you’re from that still has nothing but illegal drug...
A new poll was released Monday showing increased support for allowing medical marijuana in West Virginia. The poll, which was commissioned by MPP and conducted by Public...
Fusion examines the media’s tendency to refer to the fact that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol as some unproven claim by legalization proponents.
Though Governor Andrew Cuomo’s plan for medical cannabis legalization is a step in the right direction, it isn’t enough to get suffering New Yorkers the treatment they need,...
I don’t know what’s more epic here, the rig or the collaboration of heavyweights. @fuzionglassgallery dazzles yet again with an Instafire gem; this one’s Banjo, Joe Peters...
After about 6 days, the seedlings seemed ready to enter the vegetative stage. I ran into my first problem the weekend after the seedlings got started. I...
What do David Brooks, Tina Brown, Joe Scarborough, and Pat Buchanan* have in common, besides their lily whiteness and comfy careers nurtured in the ivory halls of corporate media?...
Washington officials have received over 2,600 applications from pot growers, which is a concern because of a set limit on the amount of space for growing.
On January 6th, Bill O’Reilly shared with Fox News cohorts Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham that apparently the ones getting arrested for cannabis are “only dealers,...