January 22, 2014
Bill Gates Backs Marijuana Legalization In His State

Bill Gates Backs Marijuana Legalization In His State

Bill Gates told Buzzfeed he voted yes on I-502 to legalize recreational marijuana in his home state of Washington in 2012, but would not answer if he’s...
January 22, 2014
Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Wants Patient Input

Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Wants Patient Input

Illinois’ medical cannabis pilot program has made its draft rules available to the public and asks for feedback to make the program safe and convenient.
January 22, 2014
Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Instafire: Original Bob Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock

Posted by @thesilikagallery This piece of Instafire is an absolute showstopper, an original Snodgrass Top Hat Sherlock. I would kill to own a pipe from the man that...
January 22, 2014
Ending the War on Pot Is Obama’s Last Chance for a Legacy

Ending the War on Pot Is Obama’s Last Chance for a Legacy

Daily Beast’s Nick Gillespie explains that ending the war on pot is Obama’s opportunity to be remembered as President.
January 22, 2014
Counterpunch: ACLU and WA Liquor Board Rally Against I-502 Moratorium

Counterpunch: ACLU and WA Liquor Board Rally Against I-502 Moratorium

Sometimes-loved ACLU lawyer Allison Holcomb and unlikely ally Sharon Foster (Chairwoman of the WA Liquor Control Board) have publicly stated that, should it come to it, they...
January 21, 2014
Minnesotans Fight for Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Minnesotans Fight for Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Although a recent poll showed 76 percent of Minnesotans are in favor of legalizing medical marijuana, cannabis activists are planning to take their fight to the Minnesota State...
January 21, 2014
“Dog-Whistle Racism” by The Lincoln Club of San Diego

“Dog-Whistle Racism” by The Lincoln Club of San Diego

Presente.org has alerted CourageCampaign.org – which in turn alerted San Diego ASA – to a shameful racist attack in San Diego. With just weeks until a special...
January 21, 2014
EuroNews: Cannabis Tourism Takes Off in Colorado

EuroNews: Cannabis Tourism Takes Off in Colorado

EuroNews covers the Colorado cannabis tourism industry from a tourist’s perspective, and notes that the industry is still too young to thoroughly examine.
January 21, 2014
Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Product Review: Oil Slick Pad

Dabs have become a culture unto themselves, with many long time herb smokers now 110% worshiping at the altar of wax, shatter, and other full melt concentrates....
January 21, 2014
Nottingham, UK: Bar Closed for Hosting Cannabis Club Event

Nottingham, UK: Bar Closed for Hosting Cannabis Club Event

A Nottingham bar was closed for hosting the Nottingham Cannabis Club, and law enforcement reminds us that all drugs destroy user’s lives… Oh, except alcohol.
January 21, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Instafire: Fweedom Shatter Dank Dabber Buffet

Posted by @dankdabber When I first this saw pic, I could have sworn it was my own. It turns out it was none other than my man...
January 21, 2014
Hillsboro, OR Temporary Dispensary Ban Won’t Be Permanent

Hillsboro, OR Temporary Dispensary Ban Won’t Be Permanent

A proposed temporary dispensary ban in Hillsboro, Oregon is not meant to become permanent, according to Planning Director Colin Cooper.
January 21, 2014
WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

WA State Attorney General Approves I-502 Moratoriums

With the recent opinion on I-502 moratoriums released by WA State AG, it seems that local governments can effectively ignore the state laws and ban even state-backed...
January 20, 2014
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Changing on Medical Marijuana

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Changing on Medical Marijuana

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Las Vegas Sun it’s time to look at medical marijuana, although he’s never tried it: “I think we need to...
January 20, 2014
Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced

A bipartisan group of Pennsylvania state senators has introduced Senate Bill 1182, the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act. This is the first time in recent Pennsylvania...
January 20, 2014
Bill Murray’s Thoughtful AMA: The War on Drugs Is a Failure

Bill Murray’s Thoughtful AMA: The War on Drugs Is a Failure

Opposing Views covers Bill Murray’s Ask Me Anything on Reddit, in which he states that the war on drugs is a failure.
January 20, 2014
Instafire: Eusheen Fillacello Pendant

Instafire: Eusheen Fillacello Pendant

Posted by @eusheen I know what you’re thinking… where the hell does the nail go? And no, you’re not stoned–it’s not a pipe. This is what us...
January 20, 2014
President Obama: Marijuana Less Dangerous Than Alcohol; Legalization in WA and CO “Important”

President Obama: Marijuana Less Dangerous Than Alcohol; Legalization in WA and CO “Important”

In a profile published online over the weekend in New Yorker magazine, President Barack Obama continued his softening towards marijuana legalization. In the interview, the president alluded...
January 20, 2014
Stoner App Review: Weedmaps

Stoner App Review: Weedmaps

With so many different medical marijuana dispensaries in so many states, it’s natural that patients would want a resource to figure out where the best meds are....
January 20, 2014
CNN: Pot Smokers Fight Stereotypes

CNN: Pot Smokers Fight Stereotypes

CNN covers stories of cannabis consumers that fight stereotypes and dispel the stigma surrounding cannabis.