January 27, 2014
Holder Says Marijuana Banking Rules Coming Soon

Holder Says Marijuana Banking Rules Coming Soon

Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that the Obama administration would soon announce regulations that would allow banks to do business with legal marijuana businesses. Financial institutions have been scared...
January 27, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

The NFL has finally shown the first flecks of common sense regarding marijuana use among its players. By no means is it time for players to start sparking...
January 24, 2014
Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Piece of the Week | Smoking Garden Gnomes: Chillum and Pipe

Who could resist a garden gnome pipe or chillum? I would suggest pulling out one of these pieces when your friends are good and baked, or even...
January 24, 2014
Repeat After Me: Marijuana Is Not Poisonous to Pets

Repeat After Me: Marijuana Is Not Poisonous to Pets

Steve Elliott slams ignorant mainstream reporters for repeatedly reporting marijuana poisoning in pets. Marijuana is not poisonous to pets, or any mammal.
January 24, 2014
For First Time, CBS News Poll Has Majority for Marijuana Legalization

For First Time, CBS News Poll Has Majority for Marijuana Legalization

For the first time since the CBS News Poll first asked the question back in 1979, a slim majority of Americans support marijuana legalization. In the latest CBS...
January 24, 2014
Louisiana Citizens to Lawmakers: We Want Medical Marijuana

Louisiana Citizens to Lawmakers: We Want Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana advocates gathered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to tell lawmakers to legalize the plant for medicinal uses.
January 24, 2014
Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Book Review Essay: The Drug War Past, Present, and Future

Drugs, Crime, and Violence: From Trafficking to Treatment by Howard Rahtz (2013, Hamilton Press, 141 pp., $25.98 PB Amazon) The Drug Wars in America, 1940-1973 by Kathleen Frydl (2013,...
January 24, 2014
Marijuana Or Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?

Marijuana Or Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?

Joseph Brownstein explores the health affects, short and long term, answering the question of which is safer: marijuana or alcohol?
January 24, 2014
Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Instafire: Elbo and WJC Dino

Posted by @elboglass FML I wish I could afford a toy like this. Feast your eyes on this Elbo and WJC collabo dino. Yep, our old friend...
January 23, 2014
Poland Looks to Seattle as It Reconsiders Draconian Drug Laws

Poland Looks to Seattle as It Reconsiders Draconian Drug Laws

Poland has hosted several speakers from Seattle to discuss drug laws, their costs and the benefits of reform.
January 23, 2014
62% of Georgia Voters Support Marijuana Decriminalization

62% of Georgia Voters Support Marijuana Decriminalization

A newly released poll found that over half of Georgia voters support a marijuana legalization policy similar to that of Colorado and Washington (54%), however that same...
January 23, 2014
Oregon Testing Rules Will Be Tough to Meet, Advocates Say

Oregon Testing Rules Will Be Tough to Meet, Advocates Say

Advocates in Oregon are worried that the medical marijuana testing rules they fought for may have become too restrictive.
January 23, 2014
NYC Hospitals Step Up On Medical Weed

NYC Hospitals Step Up On Medical Weed

When Andrew Cuomo unveiled his plan for legalizing cannabis for medical use in New York State, one element activists were quick to criticize was the method of distribution. Under Cuomo’s proposal,...
By: Andy Cush
January 23, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.01.22)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.01.22)

Residents of a pair of California counties are fighting back against restrictive ordinances, Arizona rejects some new medical conditions, Illinois sets out draft rules, and more. Let’s...
January 23, 2014
Petition to Remove Cannabis From Controlled Substances

Petition to Remove Cannabis From Controlled Substances

Marijuana Policy Project has started a petition on Change.org to remove cannabis from the list of controlled substances.
January 23, 2014
Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Instafire: AJ Roberts Auto Pipe

Posted by @theglassenthusiast This is just a prototype, but I could not help but show it anyway. Certified Instafire I present the AJ Roberts Auto Pipe. You...
January 23, 2014
IL Proposed Medical Marijuana Rules: Your Pot or Your Gun

IL Proposed Medical Marijuana Rules: Your Pot or Your Gun

Chicago Tribune covers one of Illinois’ more controversial proposed medical marijuana rules: give up your right to own a gun for your card.
January 23, 2014
Aesliip’s Grow: Blue Dream, Weeks 5 and 6

Aesliip’s Grow: Blue Dream, Weeks 5 and 6

The plants are progressing nicely, and I have not run into any new problems or issues. I did notice a worm crawling around in one of the flower...
January 22, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.01.22)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.01.22)

The stench grows in Philadelphia, a parole officer gets caught stealing parolee’s pills, a reserve cop tries to trade dope for sex, and jail guards continue to...
January 22, 2014
Jamaica Poised to Receive Lucrative Canadian Deal to Export Medicinal Marijuana

Jamaica Poised to Receive Lucrative Canadian Deal to Export Medicinal Marijuana

Canada is willing to purchase marijuana from Jamaica, a deal that could potentially earn billions of dollars for Jamaica annually, since its cost of production is significantly...