January 29, 2014
Wisconsin Bill Introduced to Treat Marijuana Like Alcohol

Wisconsin Bill Introduced to Treat Marijuana Like Alcohol

Wisconsin State Representative Melissa Sargent (D – Madison) is asking her colleagues to sign on to her bill to replace Wisconsin’s marijuana prohibition with a system that...
January 29, 2014
Marijuana Contests to Join Denver County Fair

Marijuana Contests to Join Denver County Fair

This year, the Denver County Fair will host several marijuana-related contests, granting awards for fine plants, joint-rolling and even Dorito-eating.
January 29, 2014
Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

Affordable Dab Gear Upgrades From Brothers With Glass

I did my first dab at the NORML Conference in Denver in 2011. Shortly thereafter, this video was made. The only comment about my part of it...
By: Anna Diaz
January 29, 2014
Pro-Marijuana Billboards to Surround the Super Bowl

Pro-Marijuana Billboards to Surround the Super Bowl

With teams from each state that legalized marijuana going to the Super Bowl, MPP has sprung for billboards in the area.
January 29, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 of my What the FAQ?, in regards to Whitehouse.gov’s rather exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on marijuana: Question: Isn’t marijuana generally harmless? From the...
January 28, 2014
Minimalist Tribute to American Folk Singer Pete Seeger

Minimalist Tribute to American Folk Singer Pete Seeger

  Our resident artist Michael Ian Weinfeld does it again with this latest minimalist pic. This one paying tribute to American folk singer Pete Seeger, who passed...
January 28, 2014
Study: Illness Caused by Synthetic Pot on the Rise

Study: Illness Caused by Synthetic Pot on the Rise

New research from the Colorado School of Medicine, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, highlights the dangers of using synthetic marijuana, marketed under such brands...
January 28, 2014
Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative Will Go to the Voters!

Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative Will Go to the Voters!

Just moments ago, the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion approving a medical marijuana initiative for the November ballot. The initiative, the Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions constitutional amendment,...
January 28, 2014
Seeking Alpha: Is CannaVest’s Sky-High Valuation Justified?

Seeking Alpha: Is CannaVest’s Sky-High Valuation Justified?

Seeking Alpha reports the meteoric rise of CannaVest, Inc. over the past year, asking if the sky-high valuation and 37-fold increase in market cap, is justified.
January 28, 2014
Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Instafire: Northwest Oils Fat BHO Slab

Posted by @nw_extraction_artist You guys loved the errl porn so much last time, I thought I would share some more. SLAB!! 75 was pretty dope, but how...
January 28, 2014
DEA Chief Criticizes Obama Marijuana Remarks, But Faces Backlash

DEA Chief Criticizes Obama Marijuana Remarks, But Faces Backlash

Criticism is mounting over reported remarks last week of DEA chief Michele Leonhart in a speech to the Major Counties Sheriffs Association. Leonhart criticized her boss, President Obama,...
January 28, 2014
Want MMJ? Give Me Your Gun!

Want MMJ? Give Me Your Gun!

I read an article the other day discussing pending legislation regarding Illinois medical marijuana laws. The Illinois Department of Public Health has proposed a rule that would...
January 28, 2014
Patrick Kennedy Concedes Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol

Patrick Kennedy Concedes Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol

Patrick Kennedy, chairman of anti-pot crusading Project SAM, has finally admitted that marijuana is safer than alcohol. He still argues in favor of prohibition.
January 28, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Obama’s recent bombshell comments on marijuana fired up my curiosity to do a bit more digging. Whitehouse.gov has quite an exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on...
January 27, 2014
Weed Friendly Bed and Breakfast Opens in Denver

Weed Friendly Bed and Breakfast Opens in Denver

New York Times reports that a clothing optional, weed friendly bed and breakfast opening in Denver.
January 27, 2014
German Cannabis Activist George Wurth Wins a Million Euros!

German Cannabis Activist George Wurth Wins a Million Euros!

Big congratulations are in order for our German brethren. They have scored a major publicity and resource coup that will definitely help them advance the cause. Cannabis...
January 27, 2014
With Legalization, Garden State Would Get a Lot Greener

With Legalization, Garden State Would Get a Lot Greener

Senator Scutari of New Jersey plans to introduce legislation similar to Colorado’s Amendment 64, rightly claiming that legalization would generate and save millions.
January 27, 2014
Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Instafire: Fweedom Candy Skunk Shatter BHO

Posted by @diablodabs This personal piece of Instafire may have been the dab of the year. Shouts and respect as always to team @fweedom for some of...
January 27, 2014
Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative Has Enough Signatures!

Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative Has Enough Signatures!

The Florida Department of Elections reported today that the Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions initiative has more than enough valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot. The department...
January 27, 2014
Obama Drops Truthbomb, Prohibitionists Poop Pants

Obama Drops Truthbomb, Prohibitionists Poop Pants

Prohibitionists are crapping themselves in disgust, in response to a recent interview President Obama gave wherein he stated that cannabis was safer than alcohol and that prohibition...