February 18, 2014
Brooklyn: Former Cannabis Paradise

Brooklyn: Former Cannabis Paradise

I recently was turned on to an interesting blog from the Brooklyn Public Library. It is an older entry, from 2011. I had known that New York,...
February 18, 2014
Ten Reasons Why the UK Needs Drug Policy Reform

Ten Reasons Why the UK Needs Drug Policy Reform

Mike Power describes the failures of prohibition, giving ten reasons why the UK needs drug policy reform.
February 18, 2014
Aesliip’s Grow: Final Vegetative Weeks

Aesliip’s Grow: Final Vegetative Weeks

After 11 weeks of vegetative growth, my Blue Dream plants have reached a good size and it’s now time to move into the flowering stage. The main...
February 17, 2014
No Marijuana Legalization for Hawaii This Year

No Marijuana Legalization for Hawaii This Year

A bill that would have legalized marijuana in the Aloha State died in a state Senate committee Thursday, but a decriminalization bill still lives. Senate Bill 2733 was...
February 17, 2014
Identity Verification at Dispensaries May Soon Be Automated

Identity Verification at Dispensaries May Soon Be Automated

New developments may soon allow for automated paperwork and identity verification in dispensaries.
February 17, 2014
Great Music While High: Man Mantis

Great Music While High: Man Mantis

My favorite music tends to be the kind in which a unique world exists within the sound. Especially when it comes to electronic music, the wide range...
February 17, 2014
Wisconsin Governor Thinks Alcohol Safer Than Pot

Wisconsin Governor Thinks Alcohol Safer Than Pot

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker thinks that alcohol is safer than pot, and is upset about the president’s remarks to the contrary.
February 17, 2014
Seahawks, Cannabis, and the NFL

Seahawks, Cannabis, and the NFL

As a deeply passionate 49er fan, I have to give some respect to the Seahawks. Budding rivalry aside, the Hawks played a great season and thoroughly deserved...
February 17, 2014
US To Let Banks Do Business With Licensed Pot Shops

US To Let Banks Do Business With Licensed Pot Shops

Officials at the Department of Justice are preparing guidelines to allow banks to do business with licensed pot shops.
February 17, 2014
Craigslist Marijuana Progress

Craigslist Marijuana Progress

The other day I was perusing Seattle Craigslist and thought, just for the fun of it, I would enter “marijuana” into the search field under the jobs page....
February 14, 2014
Piece of the Week | Mothership Glass Klein Recycler

Piece of the Week | Mothership Glass Klein Recycler

This week’s Piece of the Week is an absolute Tour-de-Force. It made my top 10 the second I laid my eyes on it. A single glorious snap...
February 14, 2014
Alaska: Measure Seeking to Legalize Marijuana Qualifies for 2014 Ballot

Alaska: Measure Seeking to Legalize Marijuana Qualifies for 2014 Ballot

State election officials have confirmed that a proposed initiative to regulate the production and retail sale of cannabis to adults has obtained the necessary number of signatures from registered...
February 14, 2014
Representative Cohen Introduces Unmuzzle The Drug Czar Act

Representative Cohen Introduces Unmuzzle The Drug Czar Act

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) has introduced federal legislation, House Resolution 4046, to remove legal restrictions prohibiting the Office of National Drug Control Policy from researching marijuana legalization....
February 14, 2014
Massachusetts Dispensaries Will Make Home Deliveries

Massachusetts Dispensaries Will Make Home Deliveries

Massachusetts dispensaries will be allowed to make home deliveries, becoming one of the few places with legal MMJ to allow such services.
February 14, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.12)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.12)

Lots of action at the state house on medical marijuana this week, plus Arizona eases up on the rules and the Michigan Supreme Court hands down a...
February 14, 2014
Instafire: Brandon Martin Glass Organism

Instafire: Brandon Martin Glass Organism

Posted by @goosefiregallery The @goosefiregallery is as crazy a heady gallery as can be found. It is also notorious for Instafire like this rig. I’ve never even heard...
February 14, 2014
DEA’s Hiring Policy Admits Pot Isn’t as Bad as Other Drugs

DEA’s Hiring Policy Admits Pot Isn’t as Bad as Other Drugs

Huffington Post reports that the DEA’s hiring policy excludes anyone that admits to ever using any illegal drug… except weed.
February 14, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Drizella

My Favorite Strains: Drizella

While visiting the dispensary a few weeks ago I noticed they were carrying a strain that I had never heard of before: Drizella. I liked the name...
February 13, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.02.12)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.02.12)

A felonious foursome of public servants made the Hall of Shame this week. Let’s get to it: In Savannah, Georgia, a Savannah-Chatham police sergeant was arrested Sunday for lying...
February 13, 2014
Wendy Davis Backs Medical Marijuana

Wendy Davis Backs Medical Marijuana

Texas governor hopeful, Wendy Davis, supports medical marijuana and would consider decriminalization.