ranks the top five pot-friendly campuses. They are: #1 UC-Boulder; #2 Evergreen State College; #3 UC-Santa Cruz; #4 Ithaca College; and #5 Lewis and Clark College. Read...
It’s been nearly two months of legal marijuana sales in Colorado and going strong! Here’s another quick tip from a professional marijuana sales clerk that spends 40+ hours...
Medical marijuana is helping seniors across the country trade some of their pills for pot, and get off drugs that cause as many problems as they solve.
NORML filed an “amicus curiae” brief with the Massachusetts Supreme Court on Tuesday, February 18, urging the court to place more limits on police questioning and searches...
At a Maryland State Senate hearing to discuss decriminalizing marijuana Tuesday, a high-ranking law enforcement official betrayed his total ignorance about marijuana when he claimed that decriminalization...
Viktor Ivanov, head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), recently spouted some pure, Grade A cannabis reefer madness in an interview with the Interfax news agency. The “medical...
Polling data released today by Quinnipiac University revealed that a majority of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and nearly 9 out of 10 support...
On Friday, more than 40 state lawmakers in Maine co-signed a memo authored by State Representative Diane Russell that was delivered to the Appropriations & Financial Affairs...
Posted by @highandmightyextracts To those who contest concentrate extractions as artistry, I dare you to produce a slab like this. @Fweedom in-house extract artist High and Mighty...