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Piece of the Week | Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig - Weedist

This week’s piece comes to us from Instagram, take a look at the heliocoil sea turtle rig from 2 Stroke Glass.

Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig | source: http://instagram.com/p/jPfkNCtxhF/

Heliocoil Sea Turtle Rig

I swam with the sea turtles in Hawaii once, now if one of those big guys was kind enough to come equipped like this, he’d have a friend for life! The quality craftsmanship of this rig is top-notch, but that’s not what really drew me in. What I love about this piece is the pure whimsy of it. You could imagine something like this in a Pink Floyd video: as the swarm of oil rig-equipped sea turtles flies in (yes, flies) to bring us to a higher state of consciousness. Floating in with the pigs, I think most of our readers would happily take that long strange trip with this sea turtle!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Piece of the Week series.

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