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Piece of the Week | Lizard Pipes - Weedist

This week we step back to the hobbyist world of Etsy and take a look at some fun Lizard Pipes.

Lizard Pipes

These pipes are handcrafted by Farmhouse Glass in Bloomington, Indiana. The artist has a lot of fun pieces, but this one can be found in her Critter Pipes. The artist has a pretty interesting story to tell:

Fine arts to Farmhouse.. how did this happen?
I had always planned on being a working artist as a young girl. Now I am THRIVING artist as an adult! I was about 3/4 the way through a Fine Arts degree when I fell in love with glass blowing. I took a semester off of school and bought a torch and never looked back. I was a piper for the first few years until I found success making other items like marbles, wine glasses, candle holders, jewelry, bird feeders, perfume bottles, etc. I met a wonderful man a few years ago that I married. He encouraged me to take some time off from working hard production hours that were repetitive and unrewarding for me in my workshop. I fell in love with small scale farming and homesteading during that time off. I decided that I missed spending time in my studio so I turned the glass shop back on in 2012 and went back to work. As a celebration of coming full circle, I decided to offer throwback designs that are reminiscent of the original glass pipe movement of the 90’s. The colors available now are just amazing compared to the ones available when I was first learning. My work here is a celebration of where this movement started, and where it has journeyed in the last 15 years. I strive to balance form, function and beauty with a little bit of old school technique with new school color pallet. It has been a long road, but I am proud to be here and appreciative of the opportunities that Etsy has provided me.source

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Piece of the Week series.

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