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Instafire: Worked Deppe Motherships - Weedist

Instafire Worked Deppe Motherships, by@theglasshoundsPosted by @theglasshounds

So, here we have some Instafire quite literally in a league of its own. If you don’t know exactly what you’re seeing, you’re likely still saying wow, nice. If you do know what you’re looking at, you’re prob still scratching your head like I am and thinking, “OK, WTF?”

I’ve told you many times, clear Motherships are thousands. I’ve also told ya that single, colored ones are even thousands more. So where does that put this pic in the pecking order?

I’m pretty speechless…

I don’t know who the @theglasshounds are, but I sure intend to find out. That’s not a head shop – not that I’ve ever seen this many anywhere – it is someone’s shelf, and copiously placed at that. This is an absolutely insane collection of Scott Deppe, CEO of Mothership Glass, fully-worked Motherships. There’s also probably a BMW worth of glass there. #Glassturbate

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Instafire series!