Posted by @qualityfreshglass
Every once in a while I like to stop and smell the roses. In between all of the free sample dabs at the Secret Cup there is some gnarly glass. I can’t help but stop and take a look. Shouts out to @qualityfreshglass for posting this Instarific evidence of this rig, which I’m sure is long sold by now.
For those newer to glass, allow to me decode the fire here. For starters, THIS IS NOT A BONG; in pipe land these are referred to as tubes. Next, you see all those amazing squiggles, they are called wig-wags and these are as good as they come. Lastly, take a note of how absolutely clean the work is; I’m saying this pipe is immaculate. It really makes you appreciate the gifts of the head piper. Keep in mind all of this was done by hand and in a medium often no more stable than a gooey mess, amazing.
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Instafire series!