Posted @kittensandkisses
I normally don’t post Instafire from strangers, but whoever @kittensandkisses is, major props–you have my attention. This is an absolutely insane family photo and as nice a head stash of rigs this blogger has seen.
This is really some serious fire power here. I dunno where to start, so lets just start from the back left. You know ’em, you want one–that’s def a @hitmanglass Torch Tube.
Next to him is a nicely colored Slop Cup; I must say I am really digging this cup trend in rigs.
Next to that is a Mothership Glass Faberge Egg with a Titanium Honeybucket, can you say Gucci bag?
Rounding the front would be a hella sexy @quaveglass Recycler.
Last but so not least is the classic Mothership Glass Mothership, shout out to @scottdeppe the king. @kittensandkisses holla back if reading–sick post!