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Instafire: Everybody Must Get Stoned - Weedist

Everybody Must Get Stoned, by @amandank420

Posted by @amandank420

Here is some totally loveable Instafire from one of my fave budtenders and purveyors of weed porn. Shouts out to Fweedom Collective virtuoso @amandank420 for posting this great meme. I love Caviar Gold – world’s strongest pre-rolls – and I adore the suggestion that “everybody must get stoned.” I agree emphatically, especially for those who drink too much! It’s a great nod to Bob Dylan’s stoner anthem.

I also love the reminder that even the hardest local dabbers, with endless access to killer errl, still find time and love to smoke flowers. You know that #SeattleStoners tag I use so often? Meet the creator…

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Instafire series!