This splendid simultaneous piece of errl and glass Instafire was posted by none other than our friend Bones of Dank Dabber. If you’re in the know, then you know everything about this pic is heady to the max. If you’re not–no worries, that’s what I’m here for folks!
Let’s start with the name–we know him we love him–that’s absolutely a Toro frothilator. I’ve hit it many times and it is nothing short of divine. It’s sitting on top of an Oil Slick Pad, a must have surface for any self-respecting dabber.
The oil is absolute fire–see how clear it is? I’m betting it’s from Northwest Oils, a mutual friend of Bones and myself.
That piece of titanium peaking out from the top is no doubt a Highly Educated domeless with a carb cap. Last but not least would be our good friend the Dank Dabber. If you don’t have one, get one.
Shouts to all the #dankdabbergirls.
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Instafire series!