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Headiest Dab Pins: Globzilla - Weedist

Headiest Dab Pins: Globzilla, Source: https://instagram.com/thepinmongerPosted by @ThePinMonger


HA! Look at the expression on that face. I chuckled pretty good when I saw this hat pin for sure. Shouts out to The Pin Monger for coming through yet again with the punny heat.

By the way… I don’t know what the copyright situation is, but Globzilla sure looks like Reptar to me. That is def not hurting this pin — Rugrats rocked!

Globzilla is certainly enjoying dropping bhombs. That is one gnarly heap of shatter he is clutching there. I’m also really feeling the old school torch. Industrial torches for dabbin’ are very generation one. They were great on gas, but I’m also pretty sure they helped scare the crap outta people — not unlike our beastly buddy here. Here’s to dabbin’ like a monster every once in a while. #GlobMob

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Headiest Dab Pins series!